Comment history

positiveinput says...

I may be wrong but depending on the amount of units to a building wouldn't it be considered a commercial building and not a residential building. Wouldn't the disposal of the garbage be the Landlords responsibility to have a private dumpster in place. Besides that, this picture was taken from the rear of the garbage holding area which only show that the garbage was indeed not package properly for collection. We are into the fifth month of this year, so from last year to now after continuously looking at this mess, you people must be related to Alvin Smith (the human waste observer). It isn't hard to combind forces in hiring a truck to move the rubbish. My goodness, it's in your yard and was put there by you guys, whom know full-well the health risks involved. How could we keep the Bahamas Clean when we cannot even keep our own premises clean. But I must hand it to you. Whilst you guys keep the mess on your own property, my neighbours perfer to throw theirs on the near by forest land.

positiveinput says...

No matter if it was a reporters mistake or not, thats besides the point. A man is dead and fingers are being pointed towards the police, along with this defence move one of the officers choose to use. Remember the testimony by one of the officers stating that the chokehold was proformed for the duration of the struggle which was 3 - 5 minutes. Now the main concern should be that seeing that the officer claimed the chokehold was standard police training, which part of any training allows you to let an individual not receive oxygen for 3 -5 minutes. No training would ever involve stopping an individual from breathing for that long, flush that bowl of sh!t. Police training was thrown out the window and sounds like 'street fighting' or 'mortal combat' came in. And for the police who testified noticing that the chokehold was continued and never had the common sense to tell his fellow officer, "Hey ease up, let this man get some air" he to along with the others involved should be charged with accessory to murder.

positiveinput says...

Definition of Sleeper Hold - Redirected from Carotid Sleeperhold :- A chokehold restraint used to subdue overactive, unruly, violent or inebriated subjects, to prevent them form harming themselves or others. It acts by (1) reducing blood flow to the brain via the carotid arteries and blocking venous return via the jugulars, and (2) bilateral compression of the carotid baroreceptor, causing asystole or marked bradycardia, reduce blood pressure, and syncope; under controlled conditions, noncombative subjects lose consciousness within 6-15 seconds.

So Corporal Roach notice that the sleeper hold and the choke hold is the same thing (e.g. I shot him with my gun - piece - tool - business - pipe) Although they may be different words (phrase), the meaning still ends up to be the same. P. S. notice when the sleeper hold is proformed accurately how quickly the subject passes out.

positiveinput says...

On a serious note, Wikipedia describes "Choke Hold" as - A chokehold/stranlehold is a general term for grappling hold that critically reduces or prevents either air (choking) or blood (strangling) from passing through the neck of an opponent. The restriction may be of one or both and depends on the hold used and the reaction of the victim, the lack of blood or air may lead to unconsciousness or even death if the hold is maintained.

Now seeing that the victim is dead, one could say the hold was maintained, therefore if when learning this particular 'defence' position, all the victims leave in a body bag, one could also say that the position used is a standard police position. Remember in the definition what could happen if the hold is maintained, and notice Maycock testimony, "Roach placed Jamie in a "chokehold"...Maycock said he was still holding Jamie by the waist, whiles Knowles tried to placed the handcuffs on him and Roach continued to hold him in a carotid sleeper hold... the chokehold was hold for the duration of the struggle which lasted about 3 to 5 minutes. I'm not a doctor but how long does it take the human body organs to malfunction due to the lack of oxygen. Now how long will it take if the body is struggling, using up the limited air it already had before the chokehold was introduced.

On Inquest told of death in custody

Posted 9 May 2013, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

... "choke hold" = standard police position
Certified in CPR = optional to learn


On Inquest told of death in custody

Posted 9 May 2013, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Did anyone ever got to read the full post. After reading the post and comprehending what was printed, anyone with common sense should have understood that Mr Archer was relaying information he had gathered from some source other than himself because a part of the post included 'I had just found out'. Even in the portion printed above states "From what i understand ..., never once did Mr. Archer post that he was going to do anything. By the way Tribune, why not print how it starts, 'I have to bring to the light what I have just found out'. Instead you just jumped straight to it concludes. Also included in his post was that he may be dead and gone but he heard it will happen. How could that be a man who is threatening somebody. On the other hand an individual whom struck and kill two people and leave the scene can't make the papers to report being charged. WOW Like the article says it was a long script, but if you can't duplicate the full message, don't pick out portions that would have a different meaning to a message. Remember when Minister L. Miller said "Bahamians Stupid". Well whats happening now is like that. A portion of a full message is being extracted to make the meaning of it totally different from what it was really saying.

positiveinput says...

as serious as your comment is, it still cracking me up lmoa, good one

On No tiger on the loose, say police

Posted 7 May 2013, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

... from what I understand his face will be shot completely with an AK47 to send a clear and present message. Notice the use of the phrase "from what I understand". Doesn't that suggests that Mr. Archer is relaying something that he may have overheard. Don't get me wrong, to threaten a persons life should be taken seriously, but in my opinion Mr. Archer is not the one sending the threat. He is simply doing the same thing the Tribune did by writing an article duplicating what was heard or read from some source-or-the-other. I personally read the post and technically the name posted included additional middle names which would make a reader assume Mr. Archer was referring to a particular individual, however by the full name he posted, it was not whom the newspaper article assumed, because the whole Bahamaland is certain that the name posted is not the individuals name that would appear on any document (birth certificate/passport).

On Decision due on threat charge

Posted 6 May 2013, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ babycat - could you please explain to me how is it that a message from you was in my yahoo mail when the Tribune clearly states that it will NOT spam or give out one's e-mail address to anybody. Now I'm making sure place this post here because you seem to be very interested in this article, and please respond back rite here using this forum and not my e-mail cause again I don't know how the hell you got it. This is the same problem with this country, nothing is never done professional. Judge what other information leaks out of this establishment.

On Charges due in road deaths

Posted 2 May 2013, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Sorry to be off topic fellow bloggers but I am trying to get the attention of The Tribune Staff. Apart of the 'Register for and account' statement is ...We will not span you or give your e-mail address to anybody, however I have received a message in reference to a tribune article in my e-mail account. Could you please kindly explain using this forum cause I'm sure other bloggers would like to know also.

On Sex abuse link in boy's death

Posted 1 May 2013, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal