Comment history

pt_90 says...

How can you have 100% capacity and physical distancing? If you can implement 3 feet distancing in a church between non family surely you aren't at 100%. I assume they mean there isn't a cap on attendance as long as you maintain physical distancing

pt_90 says...

The Bahamas is not under lockdown.

The requirement to test before returning is that of the US and other countries so blame the feds for that.

Hilton's issues predated covid. COVID accelerated them

On New management hope for Hilton

Posted 3 February 2022, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Correct but to be fair, that wasn't a quote from the DPM. It could be Neil Hartnell's commentary.

pt_90 says...

I think they are referring to the parts of the article asking for more vaccine sites.

pt_90 says...

I dont get it. You are asking persons to complain?
So if persons complain its a problem and when they dont...its a problem?

On Wells: All honorariums now paid

Posted 12 August 2021, 6:36 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

I sent articles of men being called their first names and can find more.

..Perry will be on time..…

Fnm:'Copycat Fred Is Late Again' -…

I can show you women being called their last names.

This last was a quote but parties name-calling with the MPs first name shows how commonplace it is in society. The Tribune is just reflecting that. Call it disrespectful or inappropriate but not sexist or unconscious bias.

Its something done in The Bahamas to MPs of any genders at times. The PM of the UK is commonly referred to as Boris in the press and he welcomes it. Macron on the other hand does not want to be called Emmanuel.

On Lanisha lashes back at ousting

Posted 9 June 2021, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

With all do respect this is nonsense.

Dionisio: Health Visa Purchases Rise…

Obie Back To Fight Election…

Branville And Gibson In Dispute Over ‘Debt’…

Are they all women?

On Lanisha lashes back at ousting

Posted 9 June 2021, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Its very hard to implement your Manifesto when your Attorney General doesn't even know what wat was in it and says its the plans are not even workable.

*The Minnis administration does not have plans to implement a recall system for non-performing members of Parliament as was outlined in the Free National Movement’s (FNM) 2017 manifesto, Attorney General Carl Bethel said yesterday.

“That’s not anything we committed to, as far as I’m concerned or aware,” Bethel told The Nassau Guardian.

“And it’s not a workable system in the parliamentary context. It is not something that is on the legislative agenda. I don’t think we committed to doing that. Did the FNM commit to that? I’m not aware of that.”*

