Comment history

pt_90 says...

Typical Garden leave is you get paid to stay home. Not sure what the police does.

pt_90 says...

Some common sense prevails

And some people were out there and in the comments defending this.

On PM: 'A better way' on tax compliance

Posted 2 July 2024, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

The article headline is implying that the judge has made the order

Do better tribune

pt_90 says...

when you get into politics you have to park your brain for 5 years.

its like the Minister thinks a consultant is a guy who walks around with a sign saying "Hi, I'm a a Consultant"

pt_90 says...

If you read that act it makes no such provision a requirement in law. If what you mention is the case, was it a policy or perhaps they implemented it by reg? But the industry's governiing law did not mandate this.

nor did the '23 regs

Sections 14 of the act only mandated you to be 18 and not convicted of a crime.

The application form asks that you provide a medical certificate and bahamas host certificate.

it also asks for your nationality.

pt_90 says...


pt_90 says...

You think Pintard can go to the US Doj and get unreleased information on an ongoing investigation?

pt_90 says...

putting aside the pomp and ceremony I can see the need to seperate them. MyGateway is geared to external persons accessing govt services. I guess this is for internal workers tracking internal worker needs and services.

Most organizations wont mix the platform that thier customers use in this case (mygateway) with their intranets and systems used for employees, internal requests like vacations, sick leave, salary and benefits.(in this case (cloud bahamas).

Some companies do 'Eat thier own dogfood' where the systems perfectly align. e.g. Google utilizes Google apps internally. But in these case there is a like for like system.

pt_90 says...

BPL has been poorly ran for decades.

pt_90 says...

They did the same with the salame story with his 200m dollar home. Least they fixed that one.