Comment history

pt_90 says...

40 percent loss of livestock is not the same as 40 percent loss of livestock pasture
Even the article says they lost no livestock so why does thre headline say otherwise

pt_90 says...

So the headline claims the home is.worth 200m then says it's worth 5.9m.

Tribune do better

pt_90 says...

Correction here I dont believe Dr. Minnis ever given a Privy Councilor appt and therefore isnt Rt. Hon see for the list and the three Rt. Hons Sawyer, Christie, and Ingraham are there.

Minnis was given the local 'Most Hon', if i recall correctly and all of the OPM's announcements referred him as such.

pt_90 says...

And the best comment award goes to...

pt_90 says...

You can read their financials but ill summarize

As of 2021

- Loans to the public treasury 515m

- Loans to other public entities (Airport, UB, PHA, Bridge Authority etc) 216m

These are outstanding cumulative numbers

In 2021, NIB made about 70m in investment income from its total investment book. Judging by its book a a large amount of it would have come from those investments.
Others being investments in Aliv and others

By comparison its contribution income was 270m

A breakdown of the above loan portfolio looks like the below

*Direct to the treasury*

- Bahamas Government registered stocks 7(a) 479,368,000

Bahamas Government B$ notes 7(b) 2,847,000

- Bahamas Government treasury bills 7(c) 1,717,000

- Bahamas Government US$ notes 7(d) 30,253,000

- Bahamas Government US$ loan 7(e) 13,513,000

*To govt entities*

- Nassau Airport Development Company Limited debt securities 7(j) 91,678,000

- Education Loan Authority bonds 7(k) 30,542,000

- Bahamas Development Bank bonds 7(l) - 269,000

- Bahamas Power and Light Company Limited bonds 7(m) 18,573,000

- Clifton Heritage Authority bonds 7(o) 7,993,000

- Loans to Bahamas Government entities 7(q) 58,104,000

- Bridge Authority bonds 7(s) 1,856,000

- The College of The Bahamas redeemable term notes 7(u) 923,000

- Public Hospital Authority bonds 7(v) 8,104,000

pt_90 says...

Well its not a mutual exclusive solution that can be done, we can deal with both issues.

Now I also would guess the main reason you have a lot more car deaths is because we have a lot more cars.
in 2022 there were an estiamted 260k registered vehicles. I would assume that most of them were 4+ wheel and the minority was motorcycles.

However imagine if we had 130k cars and 130k motorcycles....

On Annoyed by lawless motorcyclists

Posted 26 April 2024, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

One for you, one for me,

Who want the third one?

On BPL ‘could be divided into three’

Posted 26 April 2024, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

You mean like Toby Smith on PI

pt_90 says...

Even more reason we need to get a full audit of 16m-18m to 21m-24 to 27m + 31m to complete. If they told you it was 56m to complete imagine how much more it ended up costing. Then you add the interest to pay for it over the next 30 years. Then in the next 10 years they'll say it needs 20m to an overhaul due to no maintenance and that will come with interest.

Another reason it needs an audit: Govt ministers kept claiming its vital for sports tourism but never show any docs on what plans they have to actually return the treasury the likely 80m in total costs (construction, overruns, maintenance, interest on debt) and the costs of whatever events.

On Bowleg hits back on audit findings

Posted 20 April 2024, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Next stop the baseball stadium. If you think 12m on the world relays is alot...

On Bowleg hits back on audit findings

Posted 19 April 2024, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal