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pt_90 says...

Sounds like they swinging the poor guests

Many sites online show the Bahamas taxi rate structure and its not per person. It's unfortunate what people do here for money

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 8 April 2024, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Short term the govt needs to post the rates at the taxi stands by law.

Long term There needs to be competition.

An airport hopper service like the Heathrow has
An Airport public bus (big enough for luggage)
An Uber / lyft like ordering system where you know and prepay the rate
More Tourists prearranging taxis vis their hotels.

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 8 April 2024, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Yes if taxis are doing this it's illegal and needs to be reported to the authoritiee. It stains the destination when persons rip off tourists and in the end everyone suffers.

Dishonesty in part fueled.uber and lyft around the usa and taxis are hurting but largely thier fault

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 8 April 2024, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

One correction: Taxi fares are not per person.
There flat rate generally includes the first (I think 2) passengers depending on where and then a few dollars extra per additional person. So if Airport PI is 50 and you have three it shouldn't be $150. It should be more like 50 + (a smaller additional passenger fare * the additional passengers over the first two)

You may be thinking tours or special hire services. Those are the rate per person. So if the tour is 50 then its 50 times the three passengers.

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 7 April 2024, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

According to this article… from 2012 the Benz cost $185,000. Unless he saying it cost another 115,000 to retrofit it.

> When asked yesterday if he would use the $185,000 2013 Mercedes Benz purchased by the former government for the office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Perry Christie said he is still weighing the option.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 22 March 2024, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

"Cause if it doesnt work, the investors get your business (unless you have a rich uncle to pay back the money)"

Only if they are loaning you the money. In case of a failure the creditors get preference before equity investors. A large majority of equity investors, lose out in business failures. Since most failed companies have creditors and they get first dibs and even in those cases they only get partial recovery (since most failed companies have little in assets anyway).

pt_90 says...

SInce he said it would be a halfway measure to test the point, i take it that the choice option is a compromise proposed.

pt_90 says...

The PM says no secret deal but explains its a secret deal.

> , you don’t let the world know about the negotiations

Can someone remind the govt the definition of secret.

If you aren't publishing it, then it's secret.

Anyway the PM is playing games. You can tell the public your general plans of splitting up BPL while keeping the negotiations behind closed doors.

The fact is they kept the entire thing a secret but let the union tell the people first. That's the problem. We ahould have learnt from the govt of the broad plans. Why not say from both speeches from the throne you plan on reforming BPL. That's it then provide details as they come. But no we learnt in this haphazard way.

On PM: No secret deal over BPL

Posted 7 March 2024, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

The big problem is that everything's being kept secret. While it's okay to keep things quiet while companies are talking, it's not okay that we only found how we did. This is a really big deal and the government should have told us about it. They talked about lots of other stuff like they could have used the budget, the speech from the throne. They ttalked solar, fees but nothing about this huge change.

Why not just say what's happening and why it's good? And give updates on who's interested and what they're thinking? Because now, nobody trusts what's going on. Even if they had to keep it quiet, people like Jobeth or the Prime Minister could have let us know instead of sip sip.

pt_90 says...

We can say alot of things about BaTelCo/BTC.
They were a monopoly and befitted from it but it wasnt a loss maker. They made losses in the 90s but after their 90s downsizing and cellphone boom coupled with thier monopoly status they were profitable for over a decade up to being sold.

the below are net profits

- 56.1m in 2000
- 57m in 2001
- 50m in 2002…
- 38m in 2003
- 8m in 2004…
- 34m in 2005
- 43m in 2006…
- 42m in 2007
- 21m in 2008
- 47m in 2009

This isnt an argument for or against the sale or how they managed to make the profits but least lets talk facts. They weren't a loss maker. at least not since 2000 to their sale in 2011.