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pt_90 says...

the issue isnt the warnings being issued. the issue is the sheer number of killings to start the year plus the warnings plus the media coverage. sure the state dept issues warnings but no one pays attention. however when we have that coming on the heels of a spree of violence and internet and tv coverage you have a terrible portrait painted for visitors. no one wants to visit a 'paradise' and risk getting shot, no matter how unlikely it is if they perceive it to be a risk.

On Tour providers suffer 50% crime alert drop

Posted 8 February 2024, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Do we have any serious leaders?

pt_90 says...

why do you feel the producers of a track / sprint documentary want to expose who is behind crime?

On Netflix crew to film at World Relays in May

Posted 3 February 2024, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Have you tried looking at their Annual Report and cross checking the 11th Actuarial Review. It's on thier site undr publications.

It's a start and shows their asset book and income sources including their security portfolio.

Not up to the year but gives a good window into thier holdings.

pt_90 says...

I think the question raised is fair. They are saying what are the reforms that will get you where you want to go with such a drastic change in the projections.

From the outside looking in, you want to know if the country has implemented something tangible that is long lasting or sustainable.

Imagine an overweight person who says they are going to drop lots of weight to a doctor but doesnt show the doctor any major planned change in diet or physical activity. But rather they say, trust me I'm going to lose weight.

pt_90 says...

“Hubert Ingraham was one of our speakers on the platform consistently so he and I are one in terms of contesting this election,” Mr Pintard said yesterday.

How could they be one on the matter when ingraham clearly said he disagrees with contesting it. He simply spoke in support of the party since they decided to run anyway. i havent heard HAI walk back the comment on contesting it.

pt_90 says...

A proportional representation system with lists would solve that problem but I dont know if people who are used to FPTP system would be for it.

pt_90 says...

Johnson has, he just doenst have any that meets the reporting threshold.

"Under assets on Speaker Johnson’s most recent financial disclosure report for 2022, it says “none disclosed.” No retirement plan, no mutual funds, no bank account. Actually, the Speaker’s office told Marketplace that he does have a personal bank account, but it’s exempt from House reporting rules because it doesn’t earn interest."…

pt_90 says...

Atlantis has a shake shack inside, a dunkin nearby.....maybe Wendys should simply call themselves fast casual.

pt_90 says...

Let me educate you on how they perform their assessment. Its quite easy and the technology is used around the world.

What you do is look at the road and write down the street name and you've identified where a pothole is coming after todays rain.