Comment history

pt_90 says...

I wish we coluld use the excuses the govt uses when they dont comply with law.

pt_90 says...

exactly what Mr Ray wants to hear.

pt_90 says...

Starlink has forced their hand. Competition works.…

On Cable partners over $5m Exuma cays connectivity

Posted 28 September 2023, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

then she runnin her mouth about freedom of speech. no one is trying to jail her for her speech. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom form being criticized for your speech. You have the freedom to forward such a message and someone else has to freedom to criticise you for doing so.

pt_90 says...

> The capital intensive nature of any network build-out will also delay profitability by many years, and existing operators have previously warned that licensing a third operator could affect their plans for - and investment in - 5G or fifth generation technology.

The capital-intensive buildout would be the burden of the entrant. If that's what they want to take on, then they must have a plan, and if it doesn't work out, it doesn't hurt the other two. Imagine the govt approving restaurants based on the profitability impacts to other restaurants or worrying about the profitability of the entrant.

Also if they new one comes in they may simply opt for 5g in their rollout. Wouldn't competition increase the chances of 5G if they propose to walk in and offer 5G at completion?

URCA is supposed to promote competition right? Otherwise this stifles competition.

URCA should welcome entrants as it did Starlink.

pt_90 says...

Yes and the govt has an extreme conflcit of interest with its holding of Aliv, Cable Bahamas and BTC.

pt_90 says...

Going International is thier only hope and I think that was thier goal. If thier model is to be a boutique crowdfunding partner and they catch on in the Caribbean and then continue to build, maybe they had a slim chance.

The problem is to get there they need money to sustain them. I don't know their staff count but decent salaries for say 5-10 people would burn money quickly. You need capital to start in the hopes of fees over the long run.

I suspect they just weren't sufficiently capitalized for the startup lossess.

pt_90 says...

You are right.

The success of this model relies on a continuous influx of companies. Without it, substantial losses over several years are inevitable.


Gas: $150k
Tropical: $270k
Foot Rx: $250k

Totaling $750k, even with varying billing percentages (10%, 15%, or 20%) their revenues would range between 75 and 150k. However, operational expenses like staff salaries, promotions, rent, and licenses wipe out all of that in year 1.

To make this work, substantial initial capital is essential. Attracting consistent future clients are critical. Until then, losses would need to be subsidized.

pt_90 says...

One small point is missing: Atlantis had a mountain of debt at the time.

Imagine if a friend loaned you $10,000 for your business and a bank loaned you the other 90,000.
Then business was slow and you was scared you couldn't pay.
Then your friend offered to take the business writing off your loan and taking on the 90000 you owed the bank. Imagine 10 years later he puts the business for sale for $120,000.

Technically he bought the company from your for 10,000 and is selling it now for 120,000 but he also took on 90k in loans for his troubles.
Thats what happened here;:

Brookfield was a creditor of Kerzner/Atlantis for 175m back in 2011/12. Atlantis was heavily in debt with other creditors as well, likely from its buyout, going private, and on backs of the 08 recession. This total debt rumoured to be around 2b.

So Brookfield took on 100% of the company, basically forgiving the 175m loan and taking on all assets and liabilities.

"In April 2012, a subsidiary of Brookfield acquired a 100% interest in Paradise Island Holdings Limited (“Atlantis”), a hotel and casino resort located in the Bahamas, through a financial restructuring whereby Brookfield converted its $175 million of previously held debt instruments for equity. The transaction was measured at fair value on the date of acquisition. Brookfield completed the acquisition and commenced consolidating Atlantis in the second quarter."

On Atlantis sale to ‘bring stability’

Posted 11 September 2023, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

The budget allocates money for the next fiscal year and is effective July 1, and the supplementary budget is just a request to parliament for additional funds. The parliament has to debate and pass it. What you heard except for customs rates are proposals.the only thing that was effective immediately were the customs changes which doesn’t require an act of parliament.