Comment history

quavaduff says...

Smug much?

quavaduff says...

All of this for 50 twelve inch trees ... please... smh.

quavaduff says...

Sorry Doc but a good Prime Minister needs to be capable of focusing on both.

What the Bahamas really needs is a female Prime Minister. Woman are far superior at mulit-tasking. Bahamian men are easily distracted which results in confusion.

quavaduff says...

I am glad to see we have at least one sensible Christian commenting here. The Haitian people come to the Bahamas for a better life for themselves and their families similar to when many Bahamians migrated to the States. These people do the work many Bahamians find beneath them.

Remember ... " there but for the grace of God go I"

quavaduff says...

My sentiments exactly. The Bahamas need a female Prime Minister now, more than ever before.

quavaduff says...

Pintard ... stay in your lane mon

The sista is a true Bahamas loving Bahamian. Her words show she loves her Bahamas above the mighty dollar.

quavaduff says...

I applaud Minister Hanna for her moral pro Bahamian consistence... a rare quality in politicians.

When will the Bahamas wise up and put a woman in the Prime Minister seat... the men thus far have consistently made a mess of it.

quavaduff says...

I have that same "mill" question. But I also want to say good job to the responding police. Keep up the good work.

quavaduff says...

Why does giving women equal rights cause such fear in lonely insecure men? You can feel the fear in the previous comments. LOL

quavaduff says...

Marijuana laws are stupid. It would be like banning alcohol, oh that's right ...that was tried and failed miserably as well. Legalize it! Reduces crime and strife.