Comment history

quavaduff says...

Can't disagree with one word you have written. To save on the cost of police chasing weed and to enhance tourism, the Bahamas needs to legalise ganja. New opportunities for farmers and shop owners.

quavaduff says...

Do what you always do, blame the FNM. Until you address the proliferation of guns in the Bahamas by aggressively going after the guns to confiscate and destroy them and heavily penalizing all in possession of said guns, the killings will continue.

quavaduff says...

Excellent! I can see the pride in her parents. It's wonderful.

quavaduff says...

Congrats Devynne!

quavaduff says...

"TBN prosperity gospel message is a false gospel."

Con men hustling "suckers"

On Prosperity gospel has failed GB

Posted 20 July 2022, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

I also fear that Brave is not up to the job of combating global warming. As usual, he talks a big game but his actions are unimpressive.

On PM: We can't win this battle alone

Posted 23 June 2022, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

You can't be sound as uniformed and ignorant to science as tRump. Global warming is the number one threat to the Bahamas and all island nations as the seas continue to rise year over year. You can bury your head in the wet sand or you can help work on solutions to overcome our contribution to the warming.

On PM: We can't win this battle alone

Posted 23 June 2022, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

Wise up doing community gestures like this, they are stopping out of control crime at the source. Great job officers. These children are our future. Let's show love and caring as early as possible. Give 8 Mile Rock more budget for these types of youth focused events. Promote whomever initiated this!

quavaduff says...

Fred should spend his valuable time helping Brave solve this sudden surge of murders right here in good ole Nassau. Once getting a better grip on that, then pursue this tragic mystery.

quavaduff says...

You have got to be kidding me....poor folks paying for rich folks' party... will it ever change.

Your Megan and Harry comment is just stupid at a minimum. Sista girl got you bigots upset.