Comment history

quavaduff says...

It must be very difficult being you ...SMH

quavaduff says...

Thank you, Dilly Tree this hateful nonsense needs to stop

quavaduff says...

Good take downs. Congrats to a great Bahamian athlete!

quavaduff says...

It's usually the "beware" folks you have to look out for with your children.

quavaduff says...

That works out to be about 50 cents per arriving passenger for the use of the bathroom. Seems reasonable to me. The 5.5 cents per arriving passenger for use of the bathroom facilities seems inadequate.

On LPIA hit by 900% hike from Water & Sewerage

Posted 8 November 2024, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

google is your friend

quavaduff says...

Baha mar could save that tomorrow by increasing the temperature indoors by 5 degrees... from 65 to 70 and the tourist would be delighted.

quavaduff says...

he/she certainly has ...LOL

On Trump wins White House

Posted 7 November 2024, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

But you can get behind a person that has gone bankrupt 6 times, sells sneakers and bibles to his "suckers", has 34 felonies, has been judged, by a judge to be a rapist, calls Puerto Ricans garbage, calls those in the military "losers and suckers" .... your misogyny is showing, at the very least but most of all your ignorance and hatred of strong women.

On Trump wins White House

Posted 7 November 2024, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

Thanks for noting this. It is a historical fact that the US economy does better under Democratic administrations. tRump will be a disaster having personally gone bankrupt 6 times.

On Trump wins White House

Posted 7 November 2024, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal