Comment history

quavaduff says...

Wasn't this to be expected from this cast of characters....the plp has no solid ideas to move the nation forward. If that is not true, name them.

quavaduff says...

Excellent and true points. Many churches/preachers charge a fee to bury their "flocks". 9% is reasonable and based on performance, far less than deserved.

quavaduff says...

You sound jealous or are you just a hater on the front line "tri"

On Ex-Bacardi plant in ship repair potential

Posted 21 February 2022, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

Be aware that there is a lot of stupidity and "face book facts" in the remarks above. Steer clear and follow the real facts and science. Vaccines have saved the planet, from polio to yellow fever and all viruses in between. Don't rely on the nonsense spouted here by folks who have never been in a science class.

On Four in ten Bahamians now fully vaccinated

Posted 17 February 2022, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

40% for a nation where tourism is their number one industry is just stupid on too many levels

Read the obituaries if you need a reason or justification for the vaccine. Wise up Bahamas.

On Four in ten Bahamians now fully vaccinated

Posted 17 February 2022, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

you of all people should never accuse anyone of pushing lies ... it's all you do banon

quavaduff says...

Keep the blame focused on the murderer Ferguson. Second guessing is too easy for perfect people.

quavaduff says...

" Avoid loud shouting spit small groups" ..good luck with that in the Bahamas. Keep playing with science. Facts are facts and science is always facts but you all keep listening to your cuz who got his/her info off the internet or better yet, facebook.

On Davis to address COVID concerns

Posted 21 December 2021, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

Ever heard of omicron

quavaduff says...

I thought the plp taking over government was the carnival the article was speaking of ...smh