Comment history

quietone says...

Here are a couple of things I think our leaders really need to do as soon as possible:

1) Make changes to our constitution by getting about two thirds of the parliament to agree with the change, and forget about the referendum procedure period. I understand this is the method Barbados and at least another Caribbean country use to make changes to their constitution.

2) Use lethal injection rather than hanging to execute murderers. Even the word Hanging sounds too cruel and barbarous.

3) Some strict type of rehabilitation training should be given to young persons who seem to have serious antisocial behaviour.

Recall some yeas ago when the honourable Hubert Ingraham was Prime Minister when he did not seem too concerned about the killings... he said that it was only a small number of criminals killing one another, and he implied that it would soon stop when they all are gone. Well over the years, the murder rate has gotten worse..

quietone says...

I think Mr Mitchell was completely correct in what he did. He is simply encouraging us Bahamians to behave and show proper respect for the US police as well as themselves so that they won't get into any trouble. Considering the amount of antisocial behaviour carried on right here on the tiny island of New Providence almost every day, bad behaviour could well be a way of life among some of us.

quietone says...

Well if Baha Mar cannot be opened sometime BEFORE the general election, that would be very strange, as we all know that before an election the government usually do their very best to get important things done! Yeah, seems that is the only time we can expect them to get things done, rather than TALK!

Another thing, seeing the large number of large hotels on New Providence and Paradise Island, sometimes I wonder whether our Father God Himself is hindering the opening/operation of Baha Mar. Could be that He would prefer that we build hotels on the Family Islands instead.

On Rollins wants inquiry into Baha Mar

Posted 12 July 2016, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...


On Rollins wants inquiry into Baha Mar

Posted 12 July 2016, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

You mean to tell me being a male I have more rights than my mom who brought me into this world, and more rights than all my other close female relatives as well!? Women should have had equal rights about 40 years ago!!! How dumb can our governments get!!!???

On Rollins: Gender vote will fail

Posted 29 February 2016, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal