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quietone says...

Well CommonSense, once ago Bahamians really cared for one another and very few, if any, of these serious crimes used to happen.

Nowadays, we are having these serious crimes every day on this little tiny island of New Providence. To me, this really does not seem to reflect the character or personality of Bahamians.

I think our leaders should conduct some serious brainstorming sessions right in our Parliament until they can determine how to resolve these terrible criminal incidents!!!

On DNA member in hospital after latest shooting

Posted 21 October 2016, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

John you are a million% correct!!! i mean it seemed so mind boggling to me when on the first day after the hurricane some 4 or 5 persons were shot! Silly me thought the criminals would at least have calmed down for a while after that terrible Matthew had hit us. And now I need to get an encyclopedia or something to try find a word to describe how terrible it is to shoot a number of little children. This is beyond mind boggling... what in the blue blazes is going on!!!???

quietone says...

Well my air conditioners, PC and refrigerator are all hooked up to a quality surge protector. I did this over a year ago after an auto mechanic neighbour told me that he has all his equipment hooked up to surge protectors. And today the Prime Minister stated that what caused the air conditioners to malfunction at PMH was that the electricity had been cutting off too often.

If just one of our MPs was a businessman or engineer they would have known that a surge protector block should have been installed at PMH which would have protected all their equipment from being damaged or destroyed from power outage . I seriously believe that all members of our parliament should have at least 2 trades or professions and many of them should be engineers or businessmen. I won't vote for anyone who does not have at least one of these professions... lawyers and doctors seem to be useless as parliamentarians nowadays!!!

quietone says...

But Sheeprunner, the Highshuns may treat us good, ya know. They have been coming here a very long time ago and the first black member of our parliament was a Highshun. And its believed that many of us are descended from that country.

But my main problem with the entire Sandals situation is what our 2 leading union leaders said about the hotel management. I mean if half of what they said about the managers of that hotel is true, I would rather starve to death than work there!!!

quietone says...

This is so very sad! I can't understand for the life of me why so many people just seem to Love speeding on our streets. Seems that this road rage started soon after the major road works were completed, and many times while driving I feel as if I am the ONLY one on the road trying to drive within the speed limit. Don't drivers realize that the faster one drives, the more difficult it is to control a vehicle, especially to avoid an accident!?

I could never forget shortly after I got my deriver's licence, I had stopped at the corner of Mason's Addition to ensure that the way was clear for me to pull out onto East Street. I looked to my left and to my right about 3 or 4 times and all was clear. I very slowly started to pull off and suddenly there was an old lady exactly in the front of my car. That was about 50 years ago and I have never, ever have been able to figure out HOW or WHERE that lady so quickly materialized in my path. But it was a serious lesson for me. I cannot imagine how badly I would have felt if I had suddenly pulled off and seriously injured that lady!

I have also been telling everyone who would listen that even if our police get a handle on most of these murders and antisocial behaviours, we would still have many loss of lives because of all the speedy driving on our streets!

quietone says...

Seems that we Bahamians have a penchant not to do anything until its too late. Anytime I hear that spray truck, I immediately shut every window and door in my house. I believe many of you have read or heard about the de-population program that some big companies and governments have in place. You can simply Google it or use whichever search engine you prefer and you will see what I am trying to say..

quietone says...…

I believe most of you can recall when the movie made from Alex Haley"s novel Roots was shown on ZNS TV station. I think it was very shortly after ZNS came on the air and they showed that movie a great many times.

I think that more than anything else that was what caused a great many young black Bahamians to hate white Bahamians!!! I think that was one of the worst things our government ever did to really mess up race relations in this country, and if that were not done, I think for the most part we Bahamians would have been colour blind and date and marry one another regardless of colour of skin, etc. This could well have been what messed up persons like Mr Roker's mind. (But personally I always thought he was an upright decent minded person who was never involved in any corruption). I used to talk with many black Bahamians back then and was absolutely shocked to see how they deeply and completely hated white Bahamians for NO real reason.

And it seems that the leaders in our Parliament just hate to go along with anyone who tables a suggestion that can benefit this country. I believe when the late Edmund Moxey suggested to use Jumbey Village as a place to let straw workers and other Bahamian craftsmen and women work there, if his idea were implemented, our jail would have been almost empty, as many of our young people would have been self employed in many various crafts. But the late sir Lynden simply rejected Edmund's idea. How unfortunate! I know of similar other situations... and it seems that our government just loves to wait forever to do anything worthwhile!!! How sad!!!

On Roker blasts leadership as ‘tainted’

Posted 1 September 2016, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Is it only me or what? Somehow I get the impression that God Himself does not want Baha Ma to open!

On Baha Mar buyer 'not yet known'

Posted 30 August 2016, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...…

I think our government and other leaders of our country really need to go on the Web and try to understand what is really happening on this earth! The link above can surely give them an education. Yeah, there are some crooks on the Web, but we can simply use some wisdom and double check all information on any topic and thereby determine whether the info is factual.

This is the attitude which will enable us to solve all or most of the problems plaguing us. Here is one I have been praying about for many years now, namely, why is it that our lovely Bahamian women suffer from breast cancer 6 times the rate of women in all other countries. I believe our local medical doctors should know why this is so, and that they should cease and desist from using chemo and radiation to treat cancer, which is believed to be no cure at all!!!

quietone says...

For a very long time (about 20 years), I have always felt that for us to have objectivity in the decisions of our MPs, the Speaker should NOT be a member of a political party. And neither should the Attorney General be a member of any political party... wondering whether this should also apply to members of our Senate. Or could it be that if our Speaker and Attorney General are independent persons with NO attachment to ANY political party, would there even be a need for a Senate!!!???

I think that this lack of objectivity and impartiality is what is causing most of the conflicts and time wasting among our MPs. And many times I tend to agree with what Mr Andre Rollins says as he could well be disgusted because of these very same short comings.