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quietone says...

For at least a year it seems that all drivers drive way too fast on the streets. Just about every time I go out, seems that I am the only one obeying the speed limit... I mean cars always overtake me as if I am parked! Even when at times I am driving a little over the speed limit! And for quite a while I have been telling everyone that even if murders are decreased, many of us could lose our lives because of this very fast driving!

Here is an idea which I think can gradually reduce the large number of cars on the streets of New Providence: Don't allow ANY new vehicle on the road unless a vehicle is removed from the road. So if someone needs or wants a car, someone has to give up using his/her car which has to be removed from the street. And at any time there could well be a large number of persons who need a car, but they have to wait until one is removed from the streets. As I understand it, this idea was put into practice by Bermuda many years ago.

On EDITORIAL: How to crack the traffic problem

Posted 16 November 2017, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Well I think most of what has been said makes very good sense. Personally, I am not too much in favour of separate classes/schools for boys and girls.

What I would REALLY like to see are Brainstorming sessions conducted by all political parties and especially our Government... YEAH, turn the whole House of Assembly in to brainstorming sessions and SOLVE all these messy problems plaguing our beloved country during these seriously perilous times!!! AMEN!!!

quietone says...

Sheeprunner, if you agree that Jumbay Village would have been a great venue for our Junkanoo Parade, I fully and completely agree.

I think back in the day when the late Edmund Moxey had made this suggestion in Parliament, the late then Prime Minister disagreed, probably because Mr Moxey would have gotten all the praise for the great things such a move would have accomplished.

Back then there were many Bahamian artists, and wood work hobbyists, etc, who would have made that venue a world class place! There are a great many plusses this move would have produced and I feel sure that our prison would have been almost empty because of it... all the young talented Bahamians would have been occupied at Jumbey Village instead. And the Bay Street stores would have been free to operate in peace, etc, etc etc...

quietone says...

If we black Bahamians hate white foreigners so much as Mr Smith has said, can someone please tell us why in the blue blazes the white foreigners continue to visit the Bahamas and to work here!!!???

quietone says...

John, I think you have made some good points. I have great respect for our commissioner of police but he seems to be a bit off. I will never forget what a school teacher told me about 8 years ago, ie, that soon there will have to be an armed police present at every class while a teacher is teaching. This statement came from a highly educated teacher who is also very intelligent, and he has been teaching at about 3 of these so-called government high schools for about 20 years before he retired. I tend to believe him.

quietone says...

Maybe I live under a rock or something, but I have never seen a Bahamian woman dressed with half her breast out..

quietone says...

Tal, seems that you don't at all understand Renard Henfield and his efforts... He is into trying to help this country and help straighten out this wutless government. He is NOT into political garbage and politics at all!!!!!!!!!!!! politics cannot bring unity to this bahamas!!!

quietone says...

Greentea, I agree with you fully and everyone else re this man. I think V. Alfred Gray, Nottage and Bradley Roberts are the very worst persons in the PLP, and perhaps even in the Bahamas!!! Sometimes I think that God is punishing us because we have allowed this wutless government to treat us so badly for so long. That is why I regard the We Bahamas March as the best thing that has ever happened here in the last 50 years. And every day I seriously pray for Renard Henfield and that God would fully guard and protect him!!!

quietone says...

After reading all the comments, I am somewhat surprised that the following were not taken into consideration: 1) That the PLP dumbed down the educational system of this country many years ago (does anyone recall The University of Wulff Road!?). 2) The most important priority of any organization is their own survival... and this includes political parties and perhaps even churches. So when these politicians get all their wants and needs met, etc, they might be inclined to give us a few crumbs from the table. This is why I fully believe the ONLY way we as Bahamians will EVER get politicians to do what is right for this country and its people is to constantly demonstrate against their foolishness. This is why I strongly believe in the "We March" organised by Mr Renard Henfield. And I strongly believe it was the most important thing that has happened in this country in the last 40 or 50 years!!!

quietone says...

To me, this was the best thing which has happened in the Bahamas in 50 years. Yeah, it shows that Bahamians can unite, something I thought was impossible for a very long time. I have never heard of or met Mr Ranard Henfield, but upon hearing his conversation on the Guardian radio station this evening, I am impressed by his intelligence and his knowledge of History, etc. I now regard him as a great Bahamian and I believe he'd make a great prime minister of this country!!!