Comment history

quietone says...

Earth, receive an honoured guest, a great bahamian will be laid to rest!!!

On Funeral details for chief justice

Posted 7 September 2018, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

It was very long ago when Shakespeare referred to the law as an A$$... It was not so long ago when the Hon. Shane Gibson just about swore he was going to try get the occupants of Bozine Town treated decently and fairly because they were seriously taken advantage of by persons quieting their property!

Not one word he has ever said about that in Parliament. Could be that all dem PLP lawyers in Parliament probably seriously threatened him... he would have caused them not to make money from persons whose land were quieted...

quietone says...

Ever since I was a lil boy, I kept wondering why Shakespeare in one of his plays referred to the Law as an A$$..

And we presently have a couple medical doctors in our Parliament now..

Are they willfully allowing this oil leak to mess up our sea water to make us ill so that Doctors can make more money?

Lord, please help us to also find out whether that large container of "chemical poison" buried somewhere near our island of Abaco long ago has finally rotted and now allowing poisons to enter our waters and our fish... causing us to become ill!!!

quietone says...

My, My, Much truth has been said here... I could probably write about our situation forever... one thing I believe has really messed us up is that our leaders/authorities wait WAY too long to solve problems, which could well cause many of them to become unsolvable!

For years I have been saying that even if we get a handle on solving most of the murders and other crimes, all these fast speeding cars on our roads will still be causing many of us to lose or our life or be seriously injured!

WHY!? The word WHY I believe can enable us to solve many of our problems, as well as using Brainstorming methods! Are we trying to please/satisfy too many family members and friends so they won't suffer for the crimes they commit, etc, etc...?

On Plane crash families ‘kept in the dark’

Posted 28 February 2018, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

earth, receive an honoured guest,
a great bahamian will be laid to rest...

quietone says...

A couple months ago there was a long program about the use of marijuana on the internet... how it is able to heal/cure just about any disease... the program was titled, The Sacred Plant. I still receive portions of this program. It has quite a large number of alternative medicine people positively discussing this topic, and I tend to believe there is much truth to the use of this plant for healing our bodies.

I haven't read much of the info, but I am almost certain that it is not recommended to SMOKE this plant. And I doubt our Bible recommends any plants to be smoked as well. Seems that if marijuana is half as good/effective as they proclaim it is for healing, it could eventually cause many medical doctors to be out of a job..

On 'Let's lead the way on medical marijuana'

Posted 24 February 2018, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Well its time that these killings be stopped!!! i used to think there were many family, friends, etc, protecting these murderers... but last week a former Assistant Commissioner of Police, Paul Thompson, called the Guardian Talk show and said that there are some very serious terrorists who are committing these murders!!! I strongly believe Paul is correct! I think Paul was originally from either Jamaica or Trinidad and a long time ago when the late Randol Fawkes was charged with Sedition, he hired a Jamaican QC lawyer to defend him.

Back then, there were no QCs here and a police friend told me that that Jamaican QC was just about tearing to pieces everyone who were giving evidence against Mr Fawkes. And the ONLY person who was handling himself very cleverly and sensibly to that Jamaican QC was Mr Paul Thompson!!!

quietone says...

In all my working years, I thought I had already seen all the strangest, craziest, goofed-up reasons for firing or sending an employee home... maybe the manager/supervisor is NOT a woman... maybe they own these false hair companies... maybe the girls are smarter than they and could eventually take their jobs. Ok, before I scratch my head off trying to figure this out... I believe these false hair could also cause diseases, etc. And I believe our Bahamian women should be treated WAY, WAY better than this!!!!!!!

On Sent home for natural hairstyle

Posted 1 December 2017, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Sheeprunner, I tend to agree with you. Every day I drive somewhere, seems that I am the only person on the road obeying the speed limit. Sometimes I feel like staying home for the whole month of December. Many years ago I noticed that Bahamians HATE to be broke around Christmas time. Seems that all our parliamentarians do is rowing out one another instead of seriously trying to solve the many problems we have..

On Three men in hospital after separate shootings

Posted 26 November 2017, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

earth, receive an honoured guest, a great bahamian will be laid to rest!!!

On Sir Arlie’s family backs down

Posted 24 November 2017, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal