Comment history

quietone says...

Most of you have made some good points... but when it comes to eating healthy foods, seems that Bahamians are the most difficult people on earth to follow proper eating habits, etc... and this is very sad! I am in my 80's and many years ago, we mostly used to eat much of the fruits and vegetables we grow in our own yards and we were way healthier than many are these days!

quietone says...

earth, receive an honoured guest,
a great bahamian will be laid to rest!!!

On John 'Chippie' Chipman dies age 90

Posted 10 September 2019, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Well Truebahamian, seems that the Haitian who works for you is an angel! I have retired over 20 years ago, and during my working years and after retiring, I have met some men who really seemed to have been angels or someone our Father in heaven sent to warn/encourage me!

I honestly believe that over the years, most of these problems we are suffering from could have been corrected if they had been dealt with long ago. But our leaders seem to take forever to try and deal with the issues burdening us. When I was a teenager there were NO gangs!!! If a single person stood up waiting on the side of one of the main streets, in less than a minute a police would rush beside him and shout, "move on, no loitering!!!"

quietone says...

Yeah Well Mudda, for quite a while I find myself agreeing with just about all of your comments... its like I cannot understand the Bahamas anymore!!! One of the many problems that bothers me completely is that so many drivers speed so much on the roads of this small New Providence island, even in densely populated areas. Seems that anyone with a tiny amount of sense would know how dangerous driving in that manner is.

On Too many questions

Posted 8 April 2019, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

These serious school children behaviours put me in mind of what a retired school teacher told me about 12 years ago, ie, "Very soon, there will have to be an armed police in a classroom while a teacher teaches the class." Back then I felt shocked about what he said, but now it seems that he was right.

I think I have mentioned it before, ie, one of the main reasons we are always having so many problems in this country is that we take WAY too long to try and solve the problems. And that is why many of these problems become unsolvable! For a long time I have felt that our politicians should have serious brainstorming sessions and thereby find answers to all of these messy issues confronting us!

It brought tears to my eyes this morning when I heard the father of the student who was murdered speaking of the issues regarding his son's murder... an extremely serious situation, which may not be understood or felt by others who have not had a close family member murdered!

quietone says...

Pls disregard my post... it was done in error..

On quietone

Posted 29 March 2019, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...


On Man shot dead in Bain Town area

Posted 29 March 2019, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Well Giordano, these serious school children behaviours put me in mind of what a retired school teacher told me about 12 years ago, ie, "Very soon, there will have to be an armed police in a classroom while a teacher teaches the class." Back then I felt shocked about what he said, but now it seems that he was right.

I think I have mentioned it before, ie, one of the main reasons we are always having so many problems in this country is that we take WAY too long to try and solve the problems. And that is why many of these problems become unsolvable! For a long time I have felt that our politicians should have serious brainstorming sessions and thereby find answers to all of these messy issues confronting us!

It brought tears to my eyes this morning when I heard the father of the student who was murdered speaking of the issues regarding his son's murder... an extremely serious situation, which may not be understood or felt by others who have not had a close family member murdered!

quietone says...

"*Mr Newbold added, the staff should be moved in and up and running “by the end of December for sure.”*

WOW! If that happens I think that would be something of a miracle, as it seems that most of us love to do a great many things around this time of the year, a time when things usually take at least twice as long to do compared to the time things take to do during January to October..

On Post office operating ‘by year end’

Posted 28 November 2018, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

This is puzzling to me... many years ago, there were leading health sites on the internet which stated that diabetes was the easiest illness/disease to heal! [Even cancer was not regarded as too difficult to heal... If one has the time and search Googles or Bing to see the methods former US president Ronald Reagan and other leading US citizens used to heal cancer, they would be extremely surprises!!!].