Comment history

realitycheck242 says...

Due to the scarcity of land in New Providence. The ideal location for a 100MW plant would be a floating solar plant on Lake Killarney. The Bahamas would not be reinventing the wheel because this has been done in many countries around the world require up to 500 acres of land.

On Gov’t plans 100 MW Nassau solar project

Posted 4 November 2023, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

**Yesterday, Mrs Coleby-Davis said the post office headquarters needs a building that can encompass the additional services the administration wants to introduce.**

This political cronyism of fixing up party favorites with contracts for the rental of their buildings to keep the money in the ruling class circle has got to stop. What the minister is saying in this article may never happen because this government is now running out of time with under three years left to the next election. Tell the people the truth about the **two government buildings** being built behind the City Bank building in Oakes field by Sebas company. It is said that one is the new pass port office and the other will be the Post office.

realitycheck242 says...

Long Island is only a hop skip and jump away from Exuma why not include Long Island ?

On Cable partners over $5m Exuma cays connectivity

Posted 28 September 2023, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

The irony of it all. This ArawakX scandal is the Bahamian version of the FTX implosion.

realitycheck242 says...

"Fentanyl, a Schedule II opioid
analgesic approximately 50 times more potent than heroin"

Pray for this Bahamas. we dont not need to become like the big cities in america where people are walking around like zombies

On Police investigate death of infant

Posted 20 September 2023, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

The best performance Cable Bahamas can achieve at this time is to give preference share holders the option to convert their preference shares in Aliv to ordinary shares in Aliv.. This would greatly reduce the interest cost associated with paying 8 - 8.5% semi annual dividends. Aliv now has a performance history and its track record speaks for itself. I am sure many Preference shareholders who are looking for value appreciation in their portfolio would be open to this.

realitycheck242 says...

i was thinking the same thing. Remember now Kerzner group was heavily in depth to Brookfield . Kemp should have gathered more info on the original sale figures before publishing this. He still got a lot to learn from Hartnell. The entire Atlantis is worth the $2.5B if not more.

On Atlantis sale to ‘bring stability’

Posted 11 September 2023, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

Good idea but i want to see the end product with this little $5000 E-commerce investment

realitycheck242 says...


realitycheck242 says...

"In June, a Royal Navy vessel was called in to help pump out water from severely flooded areas in Exuma."

Why does the Tribune continue to call the RBDF vessel HMBS Lawrence Major a royal navy vessel.
Come on check the facts, you are showing disrespect for the Royal Bahamas Defence Force which sent the Lawrence Major to Exuma in june loaded with pumps form their emergency warehouse stocks. Something they are mandated to do in times of emergency.