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realityisnotPC says...

So much rage. So much hatred for foreigners. Such a shame. Imagine the vitriol that would spew forth from Andrew Allen's quiver if someone in another country were to voice such vicious sentiments against Bahamians, cloaking it in the disguise of a righteous battle for equality. Every single time he writes to the editor...same regurgitated hatred, vomited up in a different pattern.

On A lot still separates political parties

Posted 10 August 2021, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Or when did the unions ever pay any attention to economic realities?

realityisnotPC says...

Exactly! As if shedding 10% of their workforce constitutes the breaking of the camel's back...and as if the renewal of the emergency orders, rather than the ongoing pandemic, had anything to do with it. As you say, you can't fight stupid.

realityisnotPC says...

It's a shame to see such hypocrisy and twisting of the truth from Canada, a wonderful country with wonderful people. The letters are so similar that you have to wonder if it is simply the same writer sending in the same material with different names. They complain about the Bahamas Travel Visa and the 5 day window for the PCR test. Well what is Canada doing for anyone who wants to visit them? Non-Canadian residents are totally banned from entering Canada at all. And if you are in the very select group that they will allow to enter, then you have to download their ArriveCan tracking app, you have to have a covid test within 72 hours (yes, two days shorter than the 5 day time frame they have all been crying about to come to The Bahamas), and now they have even gone so far as to ban all flights from The Bahamas and the rest of the Caribbean, under the pretence that this area is likely to be riddled with new variants of covid. Banning flights from Brazil, South Africa or even the UK would make sense if the new variants are your actual concern...there is no logic to banning flights from extremely low level covid areas like The Bahamas. So maybe all these Canadians crying about the measures The Bahamas has put in place in order to continue to be able to welcome visitors whilst simultaneously trying to protect its own citizens, maybe they should look at themselves in the mirror and take note of the far harsher restrictions they are putting on Bahamians who would like to visit Canada. When Canada's restrictions are less harsh than those of The Bahamas, then maybe they could have a shred of legitimacy in their grievance, but until that time, please stop with the blatant hypocrisy. And for the record, the international travel visa that they complain about taking an uncertain amount of time...we've applied for them on 4 separate occasions and each time they were approved in less than one hour! i will end by thanking Mr. Hitchcock for the comedy value of his statements about the great majority of residents from the main tourist markets being well and responsible. Perhaps the obvious really does need to be stated for some people who just don't want to acknowledge the facts...(1) a large proportion of people with covid are asymptomatic and don't even know they have the disease and (2) if everyone was being so responsible, the disease wouldn't be continuing to spread at such a fast rate in Canada and the US.

On Travel trouble

Posted 1 February 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Sad that Bahamian courts are now rubber stamping ridiculous US court awards. The only winners here are the lawyers, yet again.

realityisnotPC says...

Union members are fools led by criminals who bleed the uneducated to make themselves rich. If you mess with the tourist product, how on earth do you think you are ever going to get a pay rise when you have scared the tourists away? It's like a fisherman intentionally pouring oil into the sea and then complaining that they can't catch more fish. Pay rises should be based on performance and productivity...not blackmail or an unjustified sense of entitlement. Everyone is entitled to freedom of opportunity. If you want to make more money, work harder, work smarter, be more productive and actually add value!!!

realityisnotPC says...

Separation of church and state is what developing societies decided was the right thing to do centuries ago. Anyone wanting to re-join the two wants to take us back to the dark ages.

realityisnotPC says...

Mitchell is quite simply the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. He has no respect for the rule of law, he thinks he IS the law and he further smears excrement on the reputation of The Bahamas with virtually every word he speaks, or every xenophobic order that he gives to his Immigration henchmen, not to mention the millions of taxpayer dollars he wastes every year travelling all over the world, first class, staying in 5 star hotels and throwing parties in expensive restaurants. You cannot try to encourage foreign investment with one hand and treat them like crap with the is so simple a 5 year old could understand it...why can't Mitchell?

realityisnotPC says...

Pay increase? Let's not forget the $100,000+ of free first class travel and hotels they all get through the ridiculous number of foreign trips they all go on. Considering the PLP dislikes foreigners, it's surprising how much they love to travel abroad! And let's not even start to talk about all the kick backs and pay offs from their Chinese masters and others. When their entire "benefits" package is added up, these guys are in the top 1% of Bahamians. But here's a legitimate suggestion: give them all a pay rise, but end ALL foreign travel apart from, let's say, 5 trips a year for each of the PM and FM, plus two people to travel with them...that way they could all have their pay rise and the taxpayer would save millions.

On PM 'happy' as Gomez to quit

Posted 15 December 2015, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Absolutely disgusting! The amount the "Government" and especially Fred Mitchell spends on carrying their bloated entourages on all kinds of ridiculous trips, flying first class and living it up in the best hotels in the world...and they pay our war veterans $11 a month. Absolutely disgusting. Cancel just one of Fred's trips and they would have enough money to multiply the pension of every living veteran ten times or more. Sickening, self-serving, pocket-lining politicians.