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realityisnotPC says...

Yes, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, but where there is a will there is a way. Mr. Coulson correctly, in my view, correctly identifies the main villain in all of this as being CCA and he also makes the valid point that Baha Mar will never reach its potential unless its original visionary remains involved with the project in some way.

On NASSAU LIFE: A plan for Baha Mar

Posted 10 November 2015, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

OMG, why do some Bahamians always have to play the race card?! Yes, there are many well educated Bahamians; most of them (1) wouldn't belittle themselves by playing the race card and (2) have more sense than to believe Government's propaganda that Izmirlian, the evil foreigner, is to blame for all the mess. The word on the street is that two high ranking Government officials received multi-million dollar payments from their Chinese paymasters to get rid of Izmirlian the day after the Chapter 11 filing...looks like they earned it.

realityisnotPC says...

CCA seems to admit that they only care about completing projects on time and to high standards if THEY are the ones who own the development. No wonder they performed so appallingly on Baha Mar...they didn't have the ownership incentive (although they are now getting their pals in the PLP to try to sort that out for them). Now that CCA has skin in the game on Bay Street, the Government should turn the screw and tell them they will cancel all their permits if CCA doesn't pull its finger out and get Baha Mar finished first.

realityisnotPC says...

The Developers of Baker's Bay continue to desecrate the local environment, pollute the reef and fail to live up to the promises they made before their development was approved. And there go our politicians, more focused on rubbing shoulders with celebrities and getting their free lunch from the Developer than in protecting our environment for future generations of Bahamians and tourists. It's sickening.

On Hang time with Jordan for Prime Minister

Posted 24 April 2015, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Dare I state the obvious that a pension is not supposed to be a living wage. You are supposed to have actually made some personal savings over those 40 years of employment, I'm afraid, and your pension is just supposed to help out, not replace your salary. I hate going down to National Insurance as much as the next person, and maybe there has been some miscalculation in this particular case. But even if this was resolved, it's not like this gentleman's pension is going to jump from $400 per month to $2,000 per month. People need to learn to live within their means and save money religiously for their retirement.

On National Insurance benefits

Posted 10 September 2014, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

It must be a cold day in hell...a union leader who actually tells the truth and states publicly that a strike is nonsensical and that it is all about "greedy people". Hallelujah! Stop press: sensible comments issue forth from lips of a Trade Union leader...first time in history!

realityisnotPC says...

I don't know what's worse - the TUC and its membership's greed, its ignorance or its blackmail. Greed because all they want is more, more, more and who cares where it's coming from. Ignorance because anyone with half a brain cell knows you can't make money grow on trees, so where on earth do they expect the empty Treasury to get more money from - maybe they want the Government to borrow and make our national debt even worse. Ignorance because everyone from the top to the very bottom in every other western country in the world understands that "one week's" vacation is 5 working days plus two weekend days...everyone knows that, but they are just too greedy and ignorant. And blackmail, well that's exactly what strike action is...give me what I want or else. Unions had a very important place in the world, during the Industrial Revolution when unscrupulous employers were sending 8 year old children down coal mines, but now they exist solely to protect laziness, protect criminals, promote greed and a something for nothing attitude, and last but not least, to line the pockets of the union leaders! These unions are an embarrassing smear on the character and good name of The Bahamas.

On National strike today says TUC

Posted 10 September 2014, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

The madness at Cable Bahamas they force us to watch it on their channels, and they can't even get the audio to work...cuts in and out every half second...if you listen to it like that, it makes you feel sick, almost as sick as Cable's despicable behaviour over the whole thing. Can't wait for the next time I receive one of those marketing calls about switching to Rev Voice for my phones...I am going to tell them to go to hell - if they can't even work out how to broadcast a simple feed, there's no way in hell I'm going to trust them with my phone connections!


Posted 13 June 2014, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Vladimir Putin also vehemently denies having anything to do with the troubles in Eastern Ukraine. Mr. Bentley, you can deny all you like. You will rue the day that you made this decision to satisfy the PLP. Bye-bye may suffer dropped calls, but no one can deny the improvements and investments that have been made under CWC and Mr. Houston. With a politically motivated Bahamian back in charge, BTC will go the way of ZNS and more meritocracy, pure crony-ism and service down the toilet.

realityisnotPC says...

Thank God for Justice Conteh, but what a shame that only a foreign judge like him has the confidence and the acumen to point out the obvious truth. When our local judges ignore the truth, what hope is there for justice?