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realityisnotPC says...

It's not hard to make an argument for the need for an official PM's residence, BUT you have to be completely brain dead to think NOW would be the appropriate time to spend millions of dollars on such a project. It is pure insanity and shows a complete and utter disrespect and/or misunderstanding of the desperate need for our country to put its fiscal house in order. If a political leader in any developed democracy in the rest of the world were to make such a suggestion under such circumstances, he or she would immediately face a vote of no confidence and be out of the job in weeks. It is just shameful.

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Thinking would be good, but yours does not appear to be very clear. A monthly allowance is an expense, building a new residence is a capital investment. People take out a mortgage and make their monthly payments for the same reason why it makes sense to pay an allowance instead of building a PM's residence, i.e. because they cannot afford to pay cash up front to buy a house, just like the government cannot afford to build a PM's residence right now.

You're not even considering the fact that there is NO WAY these guys in power would consider spending a tiny $1.5m on a PM's residence. With today's building costs and the opulence that you know they would want to surround themselves with, you wouldn't get much change from $10m or even $15m. And if you are even considering the ridiculous idea of a new Parliament, I hope they have a spare $100m lying around.

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal