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reverendrichlive says...

Man you dummer than you look. History reveals countless white racist who did what you think is noble because he is white. The money that these crackes use to " help peope in East Street..." is simple the money that they or their forefathers stole from our people through force free labor. As for " fellowship each weekend "...again, history is on my side, it reveals how they used their brand of " christianity " to enslave blacks. But I expect you to come to the defense of your white slave masters. From your comments I can tell that you are " One of them...a hn ( house negro)...go ahead an grin !

On FNM rejects ‘racist’ claim

Posted 13 February 2016, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

totally ignorance and foolish to think and to say that...child, when ya dumb, ya dangerous...

reverendrichlive says...

As in the USA, so in the bahamas. It is always the white racists oppressors who are the first to accuse the oppressed of using the race card. What reverse psychology. The ones who invented the " race card " do not want you to use it....'cause the " race card " is only to be used by the few priviledged whites when they deemed it necessary...give me a break, what a joke. Symonette is in no position to tell any person of color anywhere about " using the race card. How about returning all the land your late father, " Pop Symonette " stole from black folks over the hill...and let's not forget the many babes he fathered also. Brent has many black brothers and sisters over the hill which he would never recognized. brent symonette is racists...richard lightbourn is racist...a lot of blacks are racist against other black due to the mind conditioning of slavery. It a reality, its the truth, so stop the lie that you don't see color. That's one sure sign of a racist when they proclaim, " i don't see color "...even Stevie Wonder could see that for what it is, A LIE !

reverendrichlive says...

Are you kidding, the entire FNM are " black tokens ", they are " fronting "for the small group of white boys...who, if they could you people would still be in physical slavery, I say, " physical slavery " because many of you are still in mental slavery ! the plp has always been and remains the party of the people and for the people. The fnm represents the loyal " house negroes "...enough said...i have spoken !

On FNM rejects ‘racist’ claim

Posted 13 February 2016, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

You people can play with semantics call you want, but when 99.99% of the people in the area Lightbourn referred to are blacks... and he is white or Conky Joe, then that's racism. Michael is simple one of those blacks that will always come to the aid of their slave masters. Mr. Wells was right and accurate in his conclusions.

On FNM rejects ‘racist’ claim

Posted 13 February 2016, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

Cam did not show up to the biggest game of his career.
Personally, I believe that the game was rigged in favor of Broncos winning to send their great white hope, manning into retirement. Who knows what the NFL told Cam...or, perhaps, paid Cam. The 4th quarter, he could have recovered the ball...he actually started to, but it seems he quickly remembered something and didn't even try to save the ball...that is not the can newton we've come to love. Also, none of us like to lose, Just as you win graciously you must learn to lose graciously, CAM has not yet develop that skill, but then again, he's still young. The next press interview I hope he apologizes.

On 02052016 SUPERBOWL

Posted 8 February 2016, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

The country has anew party, the dna !
They just need to put forth their vision and platform more aggressively to the Bahamian people. Their weakness is that they appear too soft, so, they are not being taken seriously. Get in the other parties face, get press, learn from Trump, say things that will get people talking. " Out of sight, out of mind." that adage is still true today. I am available should the DNA to whip the other much ya'll paying ? LOL !

On Lightbourn told of criticism at FNM meeting

Posted 8 February 2016, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

Mr. Well knows of what he speaks. Most open-minded Bahamians are aware of the old UBP control of the FNM. There is nothing " Free " about and within the FNM. Our great Father of the country use to say the same thing, until the FNM can shake off the " haunting ghost " of the UBP they will never be viewed as authentic to the Bahamian masses. The RACIST spirit of the ubp must be cast out and cast off. Minnis, listen to Mr. Wells...a man who was apart of but separated himself and ran and won as an Independent. Get rid off the ole bay street boys, they have never thought anything good of our Independence from that racist country, Britain...I still remember how the Concky Joes wanted Abaco to stay with their bastard masters, Britain when we were pursuing our Independence.

On Lightbourn told of criticism at FNM meeting

Posted 8 February 2016, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

The locals are LOCAL...ask a Spanish speaking person what that means...u people !

reverendrichlive says...

It ain't the government FOOL...