Comment history

reverendrichlive says...

Man, if two dollars is too much you need to stay your behind in Nassau...

reverendrichlive says...

Your statement of this being the world's most expensive bridge reveals your ignorance of bridge tolls. You obviously have not lived in new york...try crossing from new york to new jersey with $2.00 i can tell you are not well travelled, so I forgive your stupidity.

reverendrichlive says...

Perhaps that the idea, increase the fee to keep the undesirables out.
In the US and here some residential communities are governed by Home Owner Association ( hoa ) fees...those fees are high to keep certain type of folks from moving into that community. It's their way of being racist... legally...but living in such communities has it benefits. The fees are for life and they can raise the fees anytime without your permission. welcome to life in the bahamas.

reverendrichlive says...

No, that's called governing. The Government do not have to consult or ask permission or get approval from the public for every little thing. Beside this bridge is not owned by the government. Get your facts straight before you run you big mouth.

reverendrichlive says...

You are living here aren't you ?

reverendrichlive says...

This is a slap in the face of our so-called independence.
If the FBI cannot solve the crimes and gangs in the many US cities how are they going to solve crimes out of their jurisdiction...there is more to this than we are being told. Personally, I think that the Bahamas should be a protectorate of the USA...Like the Virgin Islands, after all, we are right next door. When America sneezes we catch a cold. This my friend is the beginning stage. i am for it ! i support any Bahamian government that would pursue this.
Like the Virgin Islands we would retain our culture, etc. while benefiting from our big brother in the north. I welcome this, let the negotiations begin.

On Govt calls in FBI on crime

Posted 25 January 2016, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

The careless Bahamians, leaving a crane up where planes have to line. A pilot friend of mine from Miami, Florida flew into this same airport on a clear day and saw that crane and told the authorities about it, because it was poorly lite; obviously, nothing was done to remove this crane which Dr Munroe's plane hit. Whoever drove and left this crane up must be held accountable and charges with the lost of these nine precious lives. This accident could have and should have been avoided. All I can say is, " The careless bahamians."

reverendrichlive says...

A real leader with character would have said, " I won't lie to you period." By stating, " I won't lie to nation about crime." infer, suggerst and implies that " I will lie to the nation...just not about crime." Just my observation, you can tell alot about the character of a person in what they don't say. It's time for Lady Butler to run things in the ( FNM ) Failing National Movement.

reverendrichlive says...

With all churches in Nassau alone, Nassau should relly be " Paradise "...the high crime rate is an indictment on this co-called Christian Counsel and all the churches, who preach and teach a bunch of rubbish. Well, folks, Nassau and indeed the Bahamas is in trouble, once the US and other countries issues this kind of warning to their citizens...lights out.

On US citizens warned over Nassau crime

Posted 4 November 2014, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

The ladies are beautiful...such sweet lovliness..


Posted 14 October 2014, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal