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reverendrichlkemp says...

It will work, it works all the time here in the US...unless ya'll workin' Obeah ~ ha...ha,,

On Fighting fire from the air

Posted 14 March 2017, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

If they had access to masks and refuse to wear them, them it's on them. If there were no masks and they still engaged in working the fire, it's on them. Under no circumstance would a sensible person risk his health. Your health is your wealth. If they were not provided masks, that is a sin and a shame on the Fire Department. Who heads the fire department?

reverendrichlkemp says...

...or maybe they have masks but chose not to wear know how Bahamians do things.

reverendrichlkemp says...

It's time to call in help from usa. period !

reverendrichlkemp says...

well stated !

reverendrichlkemp says...

Minus, Stop ya hating because the pm has the balls to do what you want to do but lacks the nerve to do.

reverendrichlkemp says...

Let me go on record that I am for legalizing Bahamians to gambling in casinos in the Bahamas...they come to the USA and gamble in the casinos here...yes, preacher, priest, etc. Free moral beings in a free society must be free to do or not do. Preachers, if you don't want to gamble that's your right, if I chose to gamble that's my right. If the country allows others to gamble freely but prevent it's citizens from doing the same, then something fundamentally, immorally, evil and wrong with that policy. change it !

reverendrichlkemp says...

Come on preachers, you all know you have thought, you have said the same thing about or to members of your congregation...I know I have. The Word states, " IF you Think it, you are as guilty as doing it." I say to you so-called religious leaders a who are asking for the PM to apologize, " He that is without sin cast the first stone." In the heat of life's battle all of us have done and said things that we regret, so I say, if the PM feel the need to apologize, then, so be it, but none of us are in no position to " Call for the PM to apologize."

reverendrichlkemp says...

where have all the Bahamian floor shows gone?

reverendrichlkemp says...

The government should have been ahead of the tourist game. They had many warning signs.
First the should have clean up and restore Bay Street to its former glory....there's so much more they coulda, woulda and shoulda do...perhaps it's not to late to remedy the tourists situation...perhaps it is...perhaps...perhaps