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reverendrichlkemp says...

To expected anything less, one must be dumb, deaf and stupid. A racist will always support another racist. You can tell a lot about the character of a person by the how they vote. Any good moral, upstanding citizen would never vote for an immoral, shady, lying candidate...yet many did in America, albeit, the majority of American voted for Hillary. Brent must be banished forever from Bahamian politics. Like Don the Con he's trash.

reverendrichlkemp says...

How to get the white man's attention? touch his money...especially a black man.
If Mr. Sebas was a Conkie Joe( white Bahamian), we would NEVER hear from Roberts, who has mad millions from the black population. It is a slap in the face to all Bahamians and yes hidden racism by the government for not allowing Bahamians to gamble in the casinos. Last time I checked money is money and to if it's good for the tourists they it should and must be also GOOD for Bahamians. It is time to over throw, over rule and get rid of that law. I live in the USA, in Florida to be exact, and I see many Bahamians ( including Bahamian religious leaders )visiting Florida gamble in the casinos here...and they behave very respectfully like everyone when they lose or win. Unlike Roberts, Mr. Sebas contributes greatly to the people of the would be blind or plain dishonest to disagree. Ask those Bahamians who are enjoying their new houses or automobile, etc...How many houses or cars have Roberts given to the many Bahamians who fill his pockets with millions of dollars. Roberts provide a service and Mr. Sebas provides a service. But only one of them gives back and it's not Roberts. So stop your hating Roberts because a black man is prospering and prospering others, perhaps you should do as he does and you won't have the time to complain and point ya finger. Mr. Sebas is practicing the Ancient Wisdom Universal Law of prosperity, which states : " GIVE and it shall be GIVEN unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall people give unto you." Roberts, don't hate, participate !

On Island Luck CEO hits out at Rupert Roberts

Posted 11 January 2017, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

Man, when ya dumb ya dangerous.
This guy remains me of the other doctor in the USA, Ben Carson who's too smart to be so dumb. What's the " Concept Of Majority Rule " is he referring to? The historical Majority Rule was bought about through the PLP...Black Bahamians...not the white UBP, and certainly, NOT FMN who were not ever in existence. In fact, like the Junkanoo group " first family " came out of the saxon superstars, so the FNM came out of the PLP.
The Long Island FNM Association has already exposed the " lying nature " of this man, so everything he says MUST be taken with a grain of salt, or not at all. Here is a positive word from the lord : " it's time to return to your medical practice! "

reverendrichlkemp says...

All race are racists...not just bahamians !

reverendrichlkemp says...

Another " sell out "...In America they are call House Negroes. Unfortunately, Palacious is playing right into the hands of white racist who want to control the black population. He is just as wrong as the Conkie Joe Lightbourne. Population control is the goal of unenlightened leaders, whether they be religious or political. Palacious and Lightbourne need to go preach their message of planned parenthood to the Chinese, not to a small developing country like the Bahamas. No religious or political person has the right to tell, judge and condemn any one about how many kids they should or should not have, that's between them and their partners. I agree with The infinite: " Be fruitful and multiply." The population of the Bahamas must grow in order to met the demands of the future. Therefore I agree with The infinite instruction : " Be fruitful and multiply."