Comment history

rodentos says...

in fact not the unvaccinated are dangerous, the vaccinated are dangerous because they may spread the virus without even knowing.

rodentos says...

is cash also not accepted at these random police stops?

rodentos says...

LOL everywhere paid pro-vaccine trolls. If you still didnt get it: in UK with the highest vaccination rate they reach 30.000 daily cases and expect 100.000 cases by soon. Same picture in Israel, Chile, Uruguay, all of them with the highest vaccinate rates.

If the vaccine(s) work, why is that happening... let me guess: because of all the ignorant people who do not want the vaccine LOL.…

wait 3 more months and pfizer will be "effective" < 50%, which is actually the threshold for the vaccines to ever be approved. They still vaccinate with Astrazeneca in Bahamas from old batches, they should be 0 effective by now actually.

rodentos says...

it is that way in ANY civilised country

rodentos says...

maybe it is time to get rid of all these garbage and scrap piles in the Bahamas eh?

On Firefighters tackle scrap yard blaze

Posted 16 June 2021, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

it is BS.... nobody will invest even $100k into a country with devastated infrastructure, potholes in the roads, dirty salty water, slow internet and permanent power outs... they are out of their minds.

Other jurisdictions actually facilitate obtaining the residence there, take e.g. Dubai. No minimum investment, you only need to register a company and it comes with full work permit etc and after some years you are even eligible to get the passport, for as little as $5000 license fees, which reduce to $3500 in second year.

rodentos says...

Just take a look at this...…

now it is proven Covid came from a Chinese lab!!! And our government still selling this country to China, think twice about it!

rodentos says...

covid naturally fades or already faded away. Spanish flu lasted about 2 years and covid will be no exception. With or without vaccines. Now you do not really need any vaccine anymore.

rodentos says...

that's already scheduled..... for year 3022

rodentos says...

sold! for $1