Comment history

rodentos says...

btw what about that 10 story building next to the EMall roundabout? Would it not be cheaper to refurbish that building even if it is quite damaged - however it was at least not flooded by the waters and the frame is solid! Confiscate it and rebuild a 10 story hospital. end of the story.

rodentos says...

you mean the septic is now hurricane-proof...

rodentos says...

Let it now withstand the next cat.5 and we are all happy.... but guess the ocean will again rise 15ft and destroy everything, or was something done about this problem in the first place?

rodentos says...

you forget also these 250+ who die from shootings every year. By same logic there must be 24h curfew because of these shootings

On ‘Bahamas is now in a third wave’

Posted 20 April 2021, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

on long term vaccines only worsen the situation because we will get quadrillions of asymptomatic super spreaders.

On ‘Bahamas is now in a third wave’

Posted 20 April 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

vaccines are not approved for general use, it is only EUA. Wait 10 years for long term studies then we can think about who has to take the vaccine. Until then only politicians should be forced to take one, since they are responsible for this mess.

rodentos says...

observe that there is still no real investigation where that thing came from... they know more if nobody is interested, it is as simple as that

rodentos says...

Lol Astrazeneca.... that one that was suspended in most EU countries due to security concerns....

rodentos says...

is that the monkey virus vaccine from Astrazeneca?

rodentos says...

During Dorian a pole next to my home came down and damaged my wall, they do not want to pay anything for the damage. Then they replaced the pole by a bigger and thicker one however after not even 6 months it is crooked again and threatening to fall onto my house, this time it may destroy my house. WTF power company. They put a danger to my property next to my property.