Comment history

rodentos says...

As usual Bahamas only in shit business....

rodentos says...

how was that 70% calculated? anything based on science would never been such a round number, rather lets say 65.71% etc

rodentos says...

nope: dickening

rodentos says...

it not only expires, the vaccine is for 2019 virus.... what is circulating has no relation to 2019 virus, the "vaccine" is anyway absolutely 0 effective. How ashaming

rodentos says...

what vaccine, what covid, did they not get it that covid is over long time ago?

rodentos says...

The thing is Bahamas will be soon under water. Thus the discussion is pointless

rodentos says...

no one wants this shyt

rodentos says...

Bahamas must move away from consuming any oil!

On Sanctions harm Bahamas

Posted 6 July 2022, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

what about fumigating the fck*** islands? It is full of bugs everywhere. Termites, fleas, centipedes, cockroaches and so on. And you NEVER see any government or contracted agency fumigating anything. Not even picking up the garbage that is left everywhere over the corner! Ashaming

rodentos says...

weird.... everywhere across Europe & US prices soared, people can not afford it but STILL gas stations and petroleum companies record all time high profits! So what is going on in the Bahamas?

For your records: Prices for instance in Austria reached around $10 / Gal last month (about 2.40€/L).

Governments over there even thinking about extra taxes on these companies to skim some of these extra profits. Might it be that this is just bad talk of petroleum companies in the Bahamas to avoid the government even thinking of such extra taxes eh?