Comment history

rodentos says...

maybe I should start throwing stones into people's windows and open a windows sales business?

On ‘Water heater sales are lucrative on GB’

Posted 8 September 2021, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

imagine power company feeding 1000V instead of 240V into the grid. Would you let them go away with that?

On ‘Water heater sales are lucrative on GB’

Posted 8 September 2021, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

give them protective gear! people work in hospitals with far more covid patients in same room than will ever be the case in a voting place. You can do it open air, as long as you can walk you should be able to vote!

rodentos says...

it can be solved very easily:

one place for covid+ voters and other places for covid- voters.

rodentos says...

before the shipment is here, new hurricane will destroy the island again

rodentos says...

I ask myself how long can the truth about vaccines having little to no effect be withheld from the public?

On Governor General struck by COVID-19

Posted 17 August 2021, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

my travel visa application was Friday at 10am, it was not approved until Monday mid-day. absolutely unacceptable! Are they sleeping all the weekend ?!

On Issues with the Travel Health Visa

Posted 17 August 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

because all over the world there is a pressure on citizens to use only electronic money... in EU they have withdrawn the 500€ note, which is of course dumb because taking the inflation into account they had to issue a 1000€ or even 2000€ note!

Allways the same "arguments"... mone laundering and terrorism! (but so far eg in the EU noone can provide any proof that terrorists use 500€ notes).

The only country against this trend is Switzerland, they still have their 1000CHF note. (and of course all the hyperinflation countries, will 1 billion notes etc)

On The Queen on $500 note?

Posted 16 August 2021, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

how comes that the "pandemic" did not come to an end in the countries with 100% vaccination rate?

rodentos says...

when it comes to immune system humans are not that different from chickens! same principles apply