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rosiepi says...

So the RBPF has requested some sort of “assistance” from the world’s top law enforcement with an investigation through a sort of ‘police’ board that lacks the very detective investigative authority to root out and expose this corruption?

Isn’t this the same as what’s usually done, ie. nothing?
A confusing statement about nothing at all..

On Police probe calls in Scotland Yard

Posted 12 July 2024, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

As good as any in the world you say? And they’ll find this missing woman and solve her murder because thats what they do..?
Since when??
Sure I’m thinking it must be common place then for folks in the UK, Canada & the US as it is here then, to have one’s PD run by it’s own gang of murderous conspirators, drug dealers and the like?
Robbing our nation’s banks and businesses, killing off their rivals and witnesses to their crimes?
And which ones are as corrupt as ours or do we win that prize too?
Commissioners, PD Chiefs, Heads of Investigations all under suspicion but are being “investigated” internally??

Are these others as lucky as our RBP? To be protected by their own government,perhaps because they know where all the skeletons are hidden?

Do all these others have their own gov’t build an import/export warehousing designed w/pertinent systems, ie. the means by which they and their ministerial co-conspirators will secretively funnel their own money and illegal goods for laundering,(diamonds come to mind),
illegal drugs for distribution…?
I think we win this booby prize…again

On Police unable to access Taylor’s phone

Posted 10 July 2024, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

John, you should read your ramblings before hitting ‘post’ as you’re constantly talking out of both sides of your mouth and neither is making any sense
Why are you “curious” about the intent behind circulating these collaborative conversations, isn’t this clear to you?

Sure $1.5M is alot of money, but given the nature of the conversations and their implications it’s just enough to keep the head of the CID and his police gang sweet allowing murderers, drug and robbery kingpins impunity in the Bahamas!

And you’re willing to risk another do nothing investigation, ie maintaining the status quo, in order to keep outside professional law enforcement from delving ‘too’ deep, exposing the corruption that permeates the RBPF and the Bahamas?
Just to forego the indignity of the Bahamas being seen as “ incapable of managing her own affairs”?

That ship has sailed John, and worse that fat conman traveling the world wearing shiny $4k suits with an entourage the Bahamas can ill afford?
He’s our corruption bell ringer!

On CID Chief on leave over voice notes

Posted 8 July 2024, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

I'm confused, this taxi driver says he was unable to work for a month because he was denied entry to Festival Place for a month in 2018, would he have us believe this is the only place for a driver to pick up fares in Nassau?
Also his entry badge was returned to him the same day as the incident.
Why are the courts wasting their time on such ludicrous business?

rosiepi says...

Oh for Pete’s sake!
How many Nincompoops reside here anyways? I’ll start with Wayne M’s feigning ignorance-again..”it’s odd” that members of the public (including Americans) would find incompetence in even the ‘best efforts’ of the RBPF.

Elephants don’t forget and neither does he, since this is the very charge he put before the Crown against the very same!
How many times have folks resorted to hiring detectives and officers from Canada, the US and/or the UK to gain some semblance of justice?
And only for loved ones to be told that the main stumbling block of any ‘unsolvable’ case or disappearance were corrupt and inept officers.

Of course Ms Taylor’s Mum wants the cell phone!
Of course her family want more information!
Wouldn’t we all if this were our beloved??
Get a grip people!

On ‘We need answers on missing Taylor’

Posted 1 July 2024, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Right. An American trans woman has been missing for a week…in an extremely homophobic and violently inclined community yet the police and this Island Ostrich say it’s too soon to contemplate “foul play”.
That we shouldn’t think “the worst”.
The worst has already happened because this country refuses to govern nor even think for themselves.

rosiepi says...

It’s been 8 days since Ms Casey disappeared and still the police say it’s too early in the investigation to suspect foul play?
Are these jokers speaking for the benefit of Davis&Co who have failed to police the corruption in the RBPF?
And how can Duncombe, etc be “confident about their product” when this gov’t cannot control the crime in the Bahamas?
These ‘isolated incidents’ are obviously not ‘addressed or investigated’ competently because the RBPF’s rate of case closure is abysmal that ‘settled’ could only be applied when some member of the public finds a body.
Justice doesn’t abide in the Bahamas.

rosiepi says...

Tally up the cost savings Fred!
Wasn’t that the reason the FNM sold it in the first place?
And what would have been the costs of parking and maintaining an aircraft for the last 40 year?
Don’t forget to add the ‘benefits’, ie the corruption inherent in those contracts!!

rosiepi says...

This is ridiculous, if they’re quoting 80% now, Bahamians will likely be cut out entirely.

The Chinese should absolutely not build this or any project that the Bahamas is on the hook for; this is another make work program for their massive amount of unemployed workers.
The Bahamas certainly fits that bill!

Besides this has ‘moldy white elephant’ written all over it! The Chinese will be pulling material from their warehouses full of crappy drywall and HVAC duct work known for absorbing moisture then oozing moldy black water within 60 days…

rosiepi says...

Ms Ferguson is lucky to be alive.
And the officer who shot her dog in such close proximity to her should be charged criminally starting with endangering her life.

The RBPF’s cavalier irresponsible attitude to their burden of responsibility as police officers and licensed firearms carriers is equaled only by their contempt for their fellow Bahamians.

This incident proves once again the inadequacies of the RBPF as any representative “law enforcement”. They remain a systemically criminal and corrupt organization answerable to no one.

On ‘Police shot and killed my dog’

Posted 18 June 2024, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal