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rosiepi says...

When did the Bahamas become the undisputed leader in Caribbean tourism??
And with this bunch of corrupt clowns??
Now Chester if you keep dishing such humour you could kill in stand up!
Right now you’re just a sorry court jester…

rosiepi says...

If one visits all the laws and regulations for aircraft and their operators in the Bahamas are spelled out in minute detail in extensive manuals available to download as one would expect from a licensing aviation authority.

In the case of the document referenced here ie. the 88 page syllabus or ‘Learning Objectives Air Law 010 (pub. Mar 2024) which according to folks like Paul Aranha head of Trans-Island and others:

“contains no details..only headline topics…would be better to have more materials..challenging for people to take the test having no idea what the test looks like” and the “problem is the guidance they are’s overly vague”

Recently we’ve seen the more extreme actions some take to being called a liar in public so without further ado::

Headline-“General Rules-Collision Avoidance”
Explain the basic rules for an aircraft operating on and in the vicinity of an aerodome (AD)
Source: caa-b car ops0 0.180
Operation on and in the vicinity of an Aerodrome”

I went to Regulations, then to Flight Operations Rules of the Air CAR OPS0 and I looked up the specific source given “0.180”… and there’s the answer!!

So this advice for the exam references no new rules/regulations and it’s been out for 3 months for perusal yet these “excellent” pilots are “challenged”?
I can understand why the FAA is concerned!!
Shouldn’t anyone??

rosiepi says...

Those folks who live by the Bible’s golden (ethical) rule to do unto others etc. would have no reason to fly into such a rage as Wilson shamefully displayed this week.
I recall that the truth is supposed to set one free…

Furthermore it’s likely Wilson sought out the chance to rebuke this reporter again, perhaps explain himself…but all we’ve read here is the same self righteousness bluster and outrage at anyone who would dare to question what was vital, all important to him “as a public servant be seen to observe the highest standards of integrity and transparency”.
Well to be fair, he ruined that with his public temper tantrum.

And for all his outrage, proselytizing, even given this opportunity to refute this charge he did not offer one iota of evidence that he was not a liar.

And yet the evidence is clear that JDL has taken over the air freight receivership as their prospectus shows.

So who’s lying? JDL, the customers and/or business owners forced to deal with these shysters?
Or the other shysters- the Minister of Finance Greasy Davis, and his bagman Wilson of the ‘sterling reputation’??
Surely Davis&Co haven’t lied..again?
Surely they haven’t handed the business that is sovereign to the Customs Dept without the legislative and judicial approval required to a private entity??

That this ‘private entity’ was leaked as owned by a gambling consortium nails the coffin shut on “transparency” and “integrity” doesn’t it?

rosiepi says...

Right, because there are so many foreign investors hoping to use jet ski businesses as their means into the Bahamian drug trade…

rosiepi says...

Davis&Co’s promised transparency for their governance is what’s always been expected, a brick wall.

When the FNM came into power after the years of PLP’s openly corrupt management, skyrocketing crime statistics and more economic boondoggles too numerous to list here, it forced their government into a role like that of a trash collector and leaky hole fixer.
Then came Dorian, and then Covid.

Now try as they might and they’ve been hard at it, Davis&Co haven’t come up with hard numbers, facts and evidence of malfeasance by the Minnis gov’t’s management of those
Instead they dismantled, delayed, cancelled and/or repurposed that gov’t’s promising initiatives stymied by Covid and Dorian into that which best lines their own pockets first while Bahamians citizens still wait.

So one has to wonder in light of Davis&Co’s latest verbal word and number salad ie. their version of accountability, how will the next government prevail against these disasters known as PLP administrations?
And while scrambling to initiate and finish that which Davis&Co has invested millions of Bahamian citizens’ money, a globetrotting crusade in furtherance of his ego.
Climate change.
More precisely the need to prepare and secure these islands for the next environmental disaster, and the next pandemic

rosiepi says...

Davis demands??
Davis complains that the OECD has a “knee on our neck”? And yet that hasn’t stopped Davis&Co from stuffing cash into their pockets eh?,

Davis complains about our poor blue economy, stymied by climate change caused by OECD nations? And yet Davis&Co has done nothing to mitigate the effects here in the Bahamas, where is the push away from fossil fuels? Where are the gov’t’s environmental engineers when cruise ships weigh anchor on our coral reefs, or discharge garbage and toxins that kill our sea based economy?
Davis complains that we’re not getting the best interest rates?
Who wants to loan $$ to those who speak of promises for “accountability mechanisms” what was wrong with yesterday? Last month?
If Bahamians have no insight as to where the money goes, no accountability from these old day, new daytimers why would anyone lend them money or invest here unless there was an equal amount of graft coming their way?

That ‘knee on the neck’?
Useless where Davis&Co are concerned!
What’s holding back those pudgy paws from stuffing their pockets?

rosiepi says...

The ‘large entities’ have built their own power sources and Atlantis also a water supply.
However Mrs Deal’s proposal is ridiculous.
A country wants to attract business? Build the infrastructure!
Scuttle the reputation built by Bahamian corrupt politicians and gov’t officials that one must bring bags of cash to get project approval.
Licensed robbery!

On Optimism over plans for renewable energy

Posted 27 May 2024, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Rape and sexual abuse are too common in the Bahamas, so the woman is in jail and the sexual abuser is at large likely continuing to prey on young girls.
There is no mention of any limits on his whereabouts, who is protecting the minor child?

rosiepi says...

“We’re not there yet” is an apt moniker for Davis&Company’s governance every time they come into power. A skin of promises over an ever bulging mass of hot air…
The Marijuana Commission’s report was produced under former PM Minnis, as were legislative bills to allow it’s medical use.
Work was also completed to ensure those who’d been charged because of personal use, ie. small amount, had the relevant info to go about filing to have their records expunged.

And still we hear “we’re not there yet” on recreational use, get the bill prepared passed for medical use, get on with it!
These officials’ gang buds in the business shouldn’t be worried, they’re still in business!
Besides y’all will be sure to hand out licenses for growing/selling for medical use go to the ‘right’ people. Right?

rosiepi says...

One would think that after the last screwup (wherein the court failed to ascertain the most basic information from jurors before they were seated,) that in this case now some five years after the fact, the court would show a stronger commitment to show justice being served!

It seems that justice here seeks to serve only the accused former Supt Collie, and the jurors not only realized such they allowed their opinion of this bias to show.
So what now? Collie’s lawyers get another kick at the cat in order to get their poor showing remedied…after five years time??