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sage says...

Some days it just feels as Any decent Government...that had its citizens' interest at heart...would have created one company....just like they did for NIA... and educate the Bahamian people about what return on their investment could be gained from creating a local IPO...keeping the control of these airports in the hands of the Bahamian citizens. As night follows day.... watch the granting of Management a wide array of hand picked foreign firms.....which will employ Bahamians as porters...maids... cleaners and a host of other menial jobs. Why not begin today... identify key citizens.. target train them... position them in places where they can learn how to oversee and manage these airports.... as a career path? Here we go again...with the shitty end of the stick.....AGAIN. Brent Symonette...have your way...

sage says...

For $200M we can put an airprt on several islands....have we lost our minds? There has to be a body of concerned persons somewhere in this country...who can stop this mindless waste of funds.... (1) Choose another location. The airpost in Freeport may not be the vest location for an airport. (b) Spend $10M on a building suitable for a terminal. (3) Spend another $10M for parking...and other services needed. (4) Spend $20M for runway, apron, tarmac etc. I have not gotten to $100M yest and cant figure out how these .......... get to $200M. It lookes like the 3 Stooges are back again....We soooooooo dead!

On GB airport revival pegged at $200m

Posted 29 June 2021, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

First they caused the US Embassy to relocate by blocking their line of sight communications to the ships in the harbour. Second... they insisted that the Ministry of Transport move the Jitney pick up spot from in front of McDononalds because it was unsightly for them.... to hell with the Bahamians who had routinely used that stop to get back and forth for a generation. Third..they created alake in front of the location because they dammed up the water that flowed freely to the ocean...and no one demanded that they fix this issue despite its impact of the free movement of people and vehicles passing that area. Having done all of the these nasty creatures who no county wants...but are foced to endure...put up their own road blacks to the free flow of vehicles near their facility.... vermin... that is what we have to deal with. A culture of people who have no respect for outs; who could care less about our needs...may God deal harshly with them wherever they show their faces.

sage says...

Could not agree more with you Zero....but can they get it safely out of the Base without running aground?

But then again...politicians were not able to siphon off any of the money since they did not purchase these...unlike the last purchase of $100M...or was it $120M. Was it a loan that we used to buy them...or is it still part of "Das Where da vat money gone"?

These clowns think that we forget.....

On $6m gift to keep our waters safe

Posted 24 June 2021, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

Please forgive me for asking this very dumb question. Have these men sought to become citizens of The Bahamas? In my opinion....I would think they would have a very reasonable argument to become citizens and as such circumvent all of the harm which they describe in detail. Are these men asking for the best of both worlds? What would stop them from availing the process of citizenship? Since they feel so strongly about credit worthiness...mortgages ... and the industry itself...why not choose the route of becoming a citizen? Ask everyone you meet who complains about this law...why have you not made application for citizenship?? I somehow suspect there may be the desire to keep their citizenship elsewhere...while enjoying the benefits of living here. i would love to hear the answer to this question.

On Bid to block foreign fishermen ban fails

Posted 23 June 2021, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

Did he forget the $10,000 Star Acedemy on Wulff Road that costed some $30M, and no one knows where the money went.....and it still is not opened.

Did I forget the classroom block in AF Adderley that never had a contract....and was unfinished?

The nerve of this professional tick on the Bahamian society! Go get a job!

sage says...

This is what happens when you cede control of a particular mark to one provider. A resonable government would have ordered this company to break it is not in the public's interest for it to continue. But that would call for a government that cared for those whom they govern. his nearly fifty years....and I still waitin to see it.......smt

sage says...

Christ Himesf said, "render to Cesar that which is Cesar's and to God that which is His". Clearly the Speaker of the House was never taught what the application of this statement meant. Maturity is a serious thing. Our country continue to suffer from the nomication ...appointment and election of grown children posing as men ....and women. Perhaps the Speaker ought to be reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul.... "when I was a child Ithought like a child........, but now that I am a man.... I have put away those childish things.....

sage says...

Feedback is essential to growth. Being open to understanding how your actions impact others is a growing part of leadership failures here in this country. In her effort to deflect attiention away from her "questionable actions" which led to her departure from The Cabinet, Mrs. Rolle has decided to take the low road and blame men...and others for her demise. All I ask is for her to level the same charges outside of the sanctity of the HOUSE. Ask her to give permission to the WOMEN at the Ministry of Finance who did the investigating into her actions. Sad exit Mrs. Rolle.... sad exit...very sad.

On Sexist to Lanisha? Not by us

Posted 10 June 2021, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

Maybe now the Commissioner begin to understand that suicide is not about "weak men" as he so flippantly declares and use this moment to identify and get support to the officers whom he swore to properly lead. Remember is think.....feel....then ACT.

we are watching you.