Comment history

sage says...

Fat pigs....that is how they must be portrayed. These entitled fat human ticks continue to like donkey brying into the wind every time they dont make enough money off the backs of black Bahamians. Their shame knows no boundaries. This is one group that this country can certainly do without.

sage says...

Perhaps the folks at Rights Bahamas should really take a look at the Building Code of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and then suggest to the Government what should its position be towards those who are in clear violation of said Code.

Rights must always travel in the same care with responsibility. Perhaps the organization should invest MORE of its time teaching those who build these shantytowns what their responsibility is to this country...then if the Government violates its code... I will be happy to side with any group that holds their feet to the fire.

sage says...

Kudos to the team at the University of The Bahamas. We are finally making good scientific use of the myriad of data lying around the place and turning it into very useful reports that can finnaly be used to shake this country out of its daily delusions.

Whether we agree with their findings or not, out country need to move from guestimations and gamesmanship when it comes to setting policies and practices that no one is measuring...folks just pulling stuff out from "you know where" and calling it facts.

Continue to grow UB research team. End the delusion of impact of continued taxation here in this country.