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sansoucireader says...

Not clear. Are these young students/youth/children playing ball inside the prison grounds?

sansoucireader says...

Say 'clashed'. Haven't they been clashing since the Elizabeth by-election? I remember MP Rollins right up in MP Pinder's face then too. Nothing new.

On PLP MPs clash in the house

Posted 21 February 2015, 8:38 a.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

I am so disgusted and fed up with every one of these politicians who seem more interested in securing status for Haitians, Bahamians of Haitian descent and everyone else. meanwhile, in 2015, the same politicians can't decide if a bahamian woman should have the same rights under the law as a Bahamian man. Remember the Referendum? They need to be concerned about that!

On Moss criticises immigration plan

Posted 10 February 2015, 10:47 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

I agree with the first part of your comment, but not the 'foreign slave masters' thing. More like Bahamians out to make a dollar anyway they can without caring about anything else at all.

sansoucireader says...

Good to read of a long time company thinking of 2015 and beyond. Congratulations!

sansoucireader says...

It's disgusting that in 2015 Bahamian women are still considered 2nd class citizens, and politicians think nothing is wrong about passing this back & forth. Backwards! Backwards! Backwards!

sansoucireader says...

Wasn't she an independent candidate in one of the previous general elections?

sansoucireader says...

The Florida TV news had more information than this!

sansoucireader says...

So where is this house located?

On Bride-to-be wins $200,000 house

Posted 28 January 2015, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Just got my water bill yesterday for the last 1/4. In reality, I'm being charged VAT on water from 2013 since we're only 28 days into 2015. These people are killing us!

On BEC customers will pay full 7.5% on bills

Posted 28 January 2015, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal