Comment history

screwedbahamian says...

Every year the Ministry of Tourism and Bahamas Government spend Millions of Tax payers money to market the Bahamas amongst fierce competition in North America, When crimes take place , in particular crimes like these, news spreads quickly in the countries of the victims. Visitors coming to the Bahamas have to be notified of these events by travel agents, on cruise ships and local media. The government need to take immediate action and show the world that all visitors and guest in the Bahamas will be protected to the fullest. I myself a Bahamian was appalled at what I observed taking place on Atlantis Beach adjoining Cabbage beach( while there with my wife and young daughter ) with a young tourist lady who was being fed and Smoking marijuana provided local men vendors on the beach in the open with hotel guess and their young families all around. I had to relocate on the beach because of the strong smell.

screwedbahamian says...

Every living Bahamian know that the FMN government was elected by an overwhelmingly majority to be transparent with the peoples business and produce results. Why are the Documents affecting the Sale of Baha Mar not yet been released to show the Bahamian People the amount of Bahamian Assets have been given away. Why are there not results? What is being done and the reasonable time frame to have these documents made public. All that we are being told is that everyone is working on it, and that sounds very familiar from the past.

screwedbahamian says...

Perhaps Mr. Gibson was running for a cabinet Ministers position, but the great people of Long Island elected him instead as THEIR representative in the House of Parliament. it all the peoples time!!!

On Adrian Gibson

Posted 2 June 2017, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Are they looking for the briefcase that is holding the documents for the sale of Baha Mar.

screwedbahamian says...

No one in the previous government want to take responsibility, yet Non- Bahamian persons were able to promote an event to take place in the Bahamas,entice investors to support the event, accept monies from potential attendees, arrange air transportation for attendees engage local workers all this without the permission and the approval of the government ministries that should have been involved. We just allowed foreigners to come here and take over our homeland???

screwedbahamian says...

It is sad to see that as Bahamians, many old age pensioners have had to forfeit small amounts of pensions from NIB while Millions of dollars are given to BOB to support politicians, family, friends and Lovers who are not repaying Millions of dollars in loans given by BOB incompetent Loan officers and management who knew that the collateral acceptable was insufficient to secure the loans nor the individuals possessed the credibility or character to repay . If the dead beat debtors won't pay up, those granting the loans should be held accountable and made to pay or take their nib (if still around) pensions as well.

screwedbahamian says...

It was Papa who in 2010 took away the National Insurance Pension Income of thousand of old age pensioners in passing laws increasing the amounts of contributions from what was initially mandated in 1967. Instead of passing his law effective the date of his law (2010) he made it retroactive to 1967, thus taking income from Bahamians. I hope that another similar law will be passed that would effect many more Bahamian old pensioners.

On Ingraham wants VAT hearings

Posted 5 May 2017, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

There is no excuse for allowing however to come into the Bahamas to effect the number one industry without the Ministry being in control. According to recent news on the internet already $100 million law suit filed.

screwedbahamian says...

Not to mention that the Honorable Minister was a lead negotiator in the Baha Mar sealed deal. Also stated the $100,000,000.00 V.A.T concessions was not a lot of money.
Obvious major problems with numbers and percentages.

screwedbahamian says...

Candia Dames is to be commended for representing the voice of the Bahamian people in getting answers from the current government members on issues affecting everyday life in the Bahamas ( normally performed by the political opposition) . I was a proud Bahamian listening to her on the radio show as she very professionally and respectfully questioned and exposed the untruths spoken by the Minister. Listening to the show here in South Florida one could feel the heat being generated and the voice crackling in the answers. Keep up the great work Ms Dames, we need a lot more media professionals like you who see the truth and accountability from the government irregardless of the political party.