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shortpants says...

Now the question for today is where are the RBDF planes all in the good ole USA getting fix or fix and waiting on payment ,government dumb ass workers have too many bosses, to answer too before payment can be release a bunch of crock. They waste more money doing shit than getting shit done .These people were able to float right into Bahamian waters because they don't have no eye in the sky ,Before the hurricane those planes were over their ,one came back ,but had to return shortly there after ,that's why they had to be hiking all over the island using other companies to get back and forth. This is the dumbest government of all time .Nobody does business with them before they get their money ,because it's too much red tape. Now everyone heard the Cubans float right in the rest is on the way.

On 30 Cubans intercepted on makeshift raft

Posted 15 December 2015, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Two more years of this bullshit , he ,she and they nobody works when this hot mess of a government is in power. Everyone passing the buck . Bilney Lane of Shirley street and Mackey Street you mr brave davis ,please for heavens sake get some workers in the back there and pave that road or slam some tar in them craters before year end its a disgrace, we paying our taxes and still can't get shit together. See why most people drive around without insurance and license because most of the times they need the money to fix every broken down shits on their cars .

Right now I need to know how my VAT money is being used. First year we heard now much was made after that not a peep .Bahamians wake up ,stand together lets fight these evil doers before we get in a worst slum.

NHI lets bully them like how they bully us on VAT. NHI we don't mind paying for it but first we need to know what is it we are paying for a 100 million for everything this government touch cost us a 100 million let our voice be heard .They need to bring one world order into effect and it's going to start with NHI like the Obama care, but please don't let Perry shove this down our throat without doing this the proper way which should include all Insurance Company and all the necessary entities .

shortpants says...

When we change this nasty corrupt government everything should go back to normal .Only when this party is in power every government department does as its feels. Everyone is in charge and changes all the rules to suit their likings .They treat everyone like a stepping stone. The only thing about them is money ,money and more money bribery is the order off the day.
Please not everyone is greedy,corrupted and mean spirited like this crew . You've been here long enough to know that some of us believe in expat being apart of our community.

For the sake of crime yes we can really blame this government for this mess that they have created ,yes I said they have created by telling lies about believing in Bahamians and than turn around and tax the hell out of us, what do they expect to happen CRIME when you can't feed and supply your family with basic needs and social services only works for some .

This is the worst three years most Bahamians have endure ,since Perry have all his members doing and saying whatever the hell they feel like .We should overcome this mess of a government in short order .The people of the Bahamas should be ashamed for the way a lot of expats and even Bahamians are being treated ,we are weak and hopeless and refuse to stand with one another on all of the social ills that have taken us over since 2012.
Bahamians please stop talking among ourselves and lets stand together to right all the wrongs this government has inflicted upon us .They are not the BOSS of us ,We are the BOSS of them they should answer to us .NHI we must stand united on this one ,we must not let them shove this one down our throat with out making a stance .

On Are expats still welcome in The Bahamas?

Posted 15 December 2015, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

He talk out of too much whole Mouth ,Ear, Ass

shortpants says...

State National Security Minister Keith Bell regarding major strategies is a no-no he is the cause of most of these problems stemming from years of underhand dealings ,we have with these young criminals .Payback is the mother of all criminal proceeds .I will not be subject to no bullshit these low lives implement ,because they had the answers to crime. House arrest the gang-bangers you'll claim you'll know where they are .The minute you call for curfew, our country will shut down and down the drain we go. These criminals are not terrorist .What a few want to belong young boys from broken homes , making the police look like school children getting bully by the rejects. Do they have the upper hand on our police . Well let me say time for the commissioner to get his hands what tied from his behind his back and do what you did to clean up Freeport ,even if you have to lock up the PM and he bunch of worthless cabinet .This country in a mess three years of free for all to do whatever they feel like doing .This all start from the top ..

shortpants says...

Selling ASS and Land

shortpants says...


shortpants says...

Worst Bank in the Bahamas and RBC is the elders bank and this is what they are doing to the elderly .SHAME on you'll hungry greedy banks no love for the elderly .

On Anger at RBC $10 charge

Posted 13 November 2015, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

So now you say can that you and your party are worst than clueless. Hopeless ,liars looking for real and lasting solutions to this crime problem, there’s only one party that has a comprehensive and viable plan for fighting crime, and that party is the PLP. Three years and the crime has escalated ,worst in the history of the Bahamas. (useless ) Pride just before destruction call in help PLP need it badly.

shortpants says...

In short order they will all be running for the hill and some may chose Sandilands .

On Silent politicians

Posted 6 November 2015, 4 p.m. Suggest removal