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shortpants says...

Finish F-it up so there is nothing left .Maybe because the PM and he bunch of clowns messed it up we could advised them to relocate the prison their .So when the change of government and we have a Commission of Enquiry for all the crooks they can still feel right at home in the shiiit that they worked so hard to create .

On Baha Mar liquidators mull change to powers

Posted 6 November 2015, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Bran go chill you just like ole underwear .Nobody wants to stay on your ship either .Munroe blindsided you, that within itself speaks volume about who you are .Go Figure wannbae Prime Minister ,if you had sit small this would have been your time now ,but you let your ego get the best off you . People whom ran on your ticket wished they had never met you .They call you a horrible spoil playground rat.

shortpants says...

so vomit did you forget to tell the people you did the same thing .All you'll really think most Bahamians are fools, yes their are some fools but for the most part we have you on speed dial .retirment tired of you and your bunch of crooks. Nobody out here is getting anywhere with you'll. Black ,Broke and cant be Trusted. If these young men an women had jobs they would not be out here killing and robbing to get by. If you look all around just a bunch off young idle minds which the devil loves . Move off the scene and let the people have some hope that maybe someone else is willing to work for the good off the country.
see ya

shortpants says...

If people would stop looking out for only themselves and let the politicians help everyone in the constituency where everybody gets to feel and share togetherness things would be better .But no first thing out their mouths I don't see him he did not do anything for me he promise me this or that ,(comfort to a fool ) go work for what you want and need.SMT.
I have not seen the MP in my area from election day to now and do I give a hoot hell no ,because I still have to go out to work for me and my family .They have their personal people whom they seek out so what.

shortpants says...

Sorry Wilson your party had they fair share of “political opportunists” leave you'll camp as well, Wow who would have thought the great Wayne Munroe would have left DNA .From the sip, sip candidates whom your party ran in the last elections thought that Bran is the worst person anyone can come in contact with .

shortpants says...

So because they decided to move the hell on makes them “political opportunists”. I think not. If you and your wife cuss and carry on for 365 days you would still stay because she's your wife than you're and ass to endure such treatment .

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts also weighed in on the development. He said he found it “ironic and amusing” that Mr Wells would seek to align himself with the FNM after the party publicly ridiculed him about his letter of intent (LOI) controversy.

And so the FNM should have sat back and not say anything remember old fart they were on you'll ship .This you'll ship that's losing ship crew not the FNM .

Mr Roberts said he could not be bothered to comment on the Fort Charlotte MP, who quit the PLP in June after months of publicly lambasting the prime minister.
Please comment since you so love too, I think you will be sorry Bad Brad if you do.

shortpants says...

Thank God he will always be with us until his return .He never leaves or forsakes us, we do that to him if we would live by his words we would not be in all this earthy mess that have ascended upon us.

On A catalogue of despair

Posted 6 November 2015, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

SP: you are just like most Bahamians only looking backwards whom did this who did that. This is the very reasons why Bahamians cannot help but FAIL .Move forward and give people a chance if they join the FNM so what ,Mr. Wells is a very intelligent man and so is Rollins but they were not ever given the chance to prove their worth. Dr. Minnis even out the gate yet and most Bahamians just about ready to destroy him ,Why would you do that to a man whom want to make things right with us and our country .What honesty most Bahamians don't like,but would like to be told countless lies ,we need honest people running our country .Do you think he made his money from being dishonest hell no.

On Wells and Rollins join the FNM

Posted 4 November 2015, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

He jut the fall guy.

On Open letter to Fred Ramsey

Posted 4 November 2015, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

We are going to need a Commission of Enquiry for this bunch of thieves.They are the ones the next Government need to make examples off . That is the only way to get our country back from all the mayhem. We cannot let these people take us down the road of destruction and get away with all the bullshit they have put us through. They could pack up and leave tis country most of us could hardly go over P.I Bridge .So we need to start putting people in place for this event because that's what it will be .

On Rising debt is a danger to the nation

Posted 3 November 2015, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal