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shortpants says...

And like they say greedy ass Bahamian does not invest in their own country ,most of the vested are the small man trying to help themselves with a few employees because they are still trying to help Bahamians. The Bahamas have many bright minded ,intelligent young people but many are to afraid to stand up and save the Bahamas from this evil PLP .This has been in effect from 1980's era .Lets move pass this and unite as one and take our country back for the younger generation and stop saying are children only able to be a product of D average we are better than that. Stop sitting in these radio house talking all day about what should be and lets make it happen, every Bahamian right now can see we are on a road to destruction .

On Wind-up delay gives Baha Mar resolution time

Posted 28 October 2015, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

BOB is a PLP bank so that's where all the bad loans are .RBC, Scotia the worst Bank besides BOB will make you pay them every dollars even if you don't have a job.

On Banks restructure $758m in bad loans

Posted 27 October 2015, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Let all Bahamians know this one has no place in the FNM or anywhere in the public forefront .He needed to be shame using such derogatory remarks .If he can do it to Adrian what about the rest of us out here . Please show him the highway Dr.Minnis

shortpants says...

PLP loves dirt every time they come in as a government the whole island becomes a dirty dump,even the rats know when they are in power you see them every where this lousy government does nothing . Ministry of works is useless they sit around all day as if there is nothing for the workers to do clean this place up you'll bunch of dirty rats .

On Litter, litter and even more litter

Posted 15 October 2015, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

PLP troll you are a demon from hell , but when that DEAD party that you worship and praise comes falling down make sure you are at every polling station because they are going to need comforting words from you. In this time we the people have no time for petty foolishness , we are right now our brothers keepers , they need support not petty gawking no island has been left undone, Long Islanders started this thank God may they always be bless .And leave Loretta name alone because she would make a better PM than the show boat ,blame game that we have .Mr .Gibson keep pen to paper you're doing a good job always remember most Bahamians don't like the truth .

shortpants says...

Please don't complain because the heavenly father spared all off you'll lives ,in all just give thanks to him .He is the great provider trust in him to make things right again. Man always will let you down, what you'll been through be grateful for the little things. Don't wait for this government because trust me you will be waiting for a teachable moment that's the new talk bunch of hot air. Wish you and all a speedy recovery to restoring you'll lives back to normal.

shortpants says...

I agree that most of these private schools beg to much ,parents finding it hard enough to pay school fees and still they want the little that you have. The parents pay for almost all the essentials that the schools uses , so what do they do with all the schools fees bank it up so they look good ,but we still have to educate our children at our expense. And most of them still will send your children home if fees are due ,everybody greedy and needy right now.

shortpants says...

Deeper into the overseas bank .You did not have the decency to tell your broken down asswhip party that you were leaving speaks poorly of you and the type of person that you are jump of a ship that as already sunk ,on to one that is about to go down into the Bahamian ocean.

On Wayne Munroe: why I joined the PLP

Posted 10 September 2015, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Start with your PM and than we will know you mean business, other than that relax and wait for you'll cutass 2017.

shortpants says...

The walls would be those thick, very STRONG walls ,so the only things that needs to be repair is the roof along with the plumbing and the electrical amenities . So where is the rest of the money going .PLP getting mad because finally we are being awoken from our sleep one by one and asking questions ,remember they don't like people questioning them they run this not us. Hey Mr. MP lemme see your bank book' .

On 'One-room school’ with $500,000 repair bill

Posted 8 September 2015, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal