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shortpants says...

They should never let you have a voice on the airways . You people we owe you'll nothing .When you went to Washington to make your voice heard ,you thought you could by-pass our people so now you're reaping what you sow. You want to make it right for your people than go where your people come from .You are not a Bahamian you people never give up country status . Go into any money gram right now and everyone is a Haitian sending all that they make here back home ,they have no interest in our country so carry you'll hip back .Don't want to pay for all the basic needs just won't to live in the bush.

On Persecuted in my own country

Posted 8 September 2015, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Yes most of us out here feel your pain ,but just put your trust in God and he will make all things right ,trust I say in the lord .This Clown of a PM is not worth fretting over because he can't help you and won't his plans was always family ,friends and lovers .Our time will come where we can repay these fools back. This was never about us, This was a all for me baby syndrome . Izmirlian's did justice by us .Stay focus and pray Morning ,Noon and Night only the father can save us, Pray I say without ceasing .

On Baha Mar: What now for the workers?

Posted 1 September 2015, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Mr Gynecology you know nothing of crime ..But you say you'll had crime cover knew the answer on day one ,how can you put someone in charge of National Security to protect us from crime when he only have knowledge , vision of a Vagina .Please tell the PM he did a lousy job .Payback is the mother of all F---K ups.. Also they put Shame to steal all the cheese. Brave is a wrecking ball at the MOW. Lady Slop don't need no more wealth.All these positions are payback ...thanks for the lousy service. Also inform Mr. Jones you only have power(BEC) because the reapers are back.. I've never heard so much ass kissing since 2007.And nobody heard his speech last night because no one was informed .

On Nottage vow in face of 25% rise in murders

Posted 28 August 2015, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

country first: If Mr Gomez don't start at the top pm ,ag,bd ,Shame, he only wasting time and money pissing around dancing to the tune which only Perry and Freddy hear inside their empty heads .This the game they always play ,thinking because they may have been better educated ,we dumb and fool ,well they better think again because most of us whom didn't get to go are more intelligent and have visions .I don't know why all these talk show host with all these ideas just wasting time talking ,talking don't get up off the ass and help this country .The pastors ,or whatever they call themselves are useless than a penny with a hole .

On PM told to tackle corruption claims

Posted 27 August 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

No we believe was easy .They got that right at the polls ,We believe and know for sure Bahamians was going to put them in power . Because most lousy ,lazy Bahamians like handouts .They don't like change ,road works were for the betterment of all ,trust me if the roads were still the way they were ,we would have had about two hundred murders or more .

shortpants says...

Yes why not start with the PM and come down the ladder .This with Loretta and Hubert sound kind of personal. We know for sure PLP stinks to HELL .You done start off wrong .We the public is watching and waiting. And take that sob look off your face .Because we know this is yet another one off you'll lets wait and see ,and than everyone is free to carry on with business as usual .

shortpants says...

John that say statement is costing the PM a whole heap of problems. I don't think he remember that GOD is always in control and not man. Play with your earthly god not our heavenly father.He will live long enough to see that when you play with FIRE you will get burn. Time always longer than rope. All of his Merry men are jumping ship and he will be the only rat left to drown all by himself.

shortpants says...

Keep up the good work KB ,looks like the words you sung surely got his attention ,but you would think that he have more important things to do than to get in front of the media to confront you, get gone go and attend to the affairs of the Bahamian people which pays you and you cronies .Keep singing KB maybe he will to his job on time and do some work but as we can see he finds time to listen to your music, so you working and he dancing around like the clown that he is .

shortpants says...

Tal sorry but the ole dinosaur fighting to hard he done extinct .So as the saying goes MISERY loves company and that's what the ole dinosaur is looking for .The PM turned 72 but is as useless as the dinosaur. The only hypocrite in this whole affair is the ole dinosaur being used like a old underwear. Get gone the PLP is done washed up bunch of crooks ask Gomez,

On Roberts says Minnis did not declare

Posted 21 August 2015, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

When Bahamians get tired off tearing their own down than we will be a better nation with better people sitting at the forefront .When this government in power we tend to have nasty attitudes of persons all around .From the top to the bottom. Check most off the government run agencies, which most off us already know ,

On FOAM founder speaks out after arrest

Posted 20 August 2015, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal