Comment history

sotiredoftal says...

Not to stray away from the topic at hand... but... this man looks like hes pushing 40.... not 25.

sotiredoftal says...

Ok... another stupid comment, John are you retarded? I understand the first part but now basically men with dredlocks kill their children (or any competition)? This young man dont even have locks. Your reasoning makes no sense. And just so you know, the 2 'lions' ive dated in my life love their children to death as well as the children of their significant others. I know men that people think are well off upstanding citizens that treat their stepkids like crap, as well as dads thats people think are pillars of the community that abuse their wife and children. Think before you make these ignorant comments.

On Accused of beating baby

Posted 22 December 2013, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

So what is the relevance of stating that hes of mixed race? Yes his mom is white and dad is black and deceased... so the hell what!!!!! Other than that, everything else stated makes sense.

On Accused of beating baby

Posted 20 December 2013, 8:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

@ rory... despite what you may think... not all motorcyclists ride like maniacs... oh and by the way, many persons in vehicles drive like maniacs as well, you surprised more motorists arent dead too? you insensitive idiots need to not comment on certain posts. smdt...

On Motorcyclist dies in collision

Posted 10 December 2013, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

Rory maybe you should go and look up the term slighted so that you can properly understand what the man is saying. Illiterate, limited vocabulary fool, stick to your politically biased rants. He means the people felt disregarded or ignored with regards to information on the matter.

On Abaco anger over fishing lodge work

Posted 3 November 2013, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

pipsqueak? youre an idiot. ignorance is dangerous. thats all i have to say.

sotiredoftal says...

Lord have mercy, this man seems to be an idiot. Us North Abaco folk had a dilemma in choosing the best out of two bad choices. This is why a better candidate should have been chosen to run for the FNM. Had we been given sensible choices like Stephen Pedican the former chief councillor or Gary Smith, the present chief councillor we wouldnt have had this problem in the first place. In this instance we just couldnt bring ourselves to vote for Gomez just to get the seat. Lets see how this story develops though.

sotiredoftal says...

There you go again with your unrelated thought this article was about th missing surgery roster. Gosh, do you read the article properly before you post your comments?

sotiredoftal says...

Tis victim succumbed to his injuries.....later... so its probaby safe to assume that the he probably told the police this prior to his death.

sotiredoftal says...

I wish the courts would use this same hastiness of trial and of course no bail for the murderers, rapists and robbers that are out on the street...