Comment history

sotiredoftal says...

I sincerely hope "pinkbaby" is not an english teacher. lol... wow

sotiredoftal says...

this is one of the stupidest things i've ever read. is this man mentally ill? imagine how many men would be dead if more men thought like this... lord have mercy...

sotiredoftal says...

I totally agree with realfreethinker and I couldnt put it better myself Tarzan. Everything becomes political to these ppl. Sheesh!!! Gives me a headache sometimes reading the crap. If a bird pooped on the head of a tourist... its either due to the previous government or something the "red shirts" did caused the bird to do

On FNM deputy fears for nation's reputation

Posted 1 September 2013, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

OMG, am i the only one tired of reading the politically biased inunendo that talrussell posts to a variety of different news reports, some of which have not even a smidgem of political context to it? Its a shame that all you can ever say is "blame the red shirts" or "red shirts this red shirts that", will you ever see the bigger picture? At this point it doesnt matter whos fnm or plp, simply because the Bahamas as a country (comprised of non voters, plps, fnms, dnas, old, young etc) is under scrutiny due to the nature of the allegations made. Its necessary to stick together, but do the right thing at the same time and to ensure the proper and necessary avenues were taken to confront the issue. Gosh!!! I have to scroll past your comments to read sensible and most often relevant opinions. You should go and work for