Comment history

sp1nks says...

Frankly Birdie, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are offering up a false equivalency for the despicable, inexcusable, and potentially criminal behavior of an elected Member of Parliament. If Fitzgerald has a shred of integrity in his corrupt being, he should step aside.

<br>I understand that you are a staunch defender of all things PLP, but you have a shred of integrity, you would at least be quiet. The honorable thing to do is to call for his resignation/termination

On Minnis: Sack Fitzgerald

Posted 21 April 2017, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Where's the 'Comrades!' guy? I'd love to hear this story spun around.

sp1nks says...

This is astonishing. Fitzgerald shouldn't only step down, but should be prosecuted. Commission of Inquiry and Freedom of Information Act. Now.

sp1nks says...

Well muddo! I had to look again when I read your comment. At first I thought Nottage was "Bobo"! Sleepy BJ probably had to sleep for two straight days to muster the energy to look so young and lively!

On Toggie and Bobo at PLP event

Posted 6 April 2017, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

We're ready!!.... how 'bout "hours, if not minutes"?

sp1nks says...


sp1nks says...

Stop, stop, stop! Who cares if he was 'known to police'? Whatever his history, this man was on his job, and presumably trying to do the right thing. Are we so desperate that we need to characterize every murder as the victim somehow deserving it? I don't care you who are, no one deserves to be cut down in this way.<br><br>
Politicians and officials: have some integrity, call the callous and brazen acts what they are. If you want help from the public, pretend to give a damn.

On UPDATED: Gunman shoots worker dead

Posted 21 March 2017, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

This is very disheartening. It is sad to see Bahamian politicians so willing to channel American political discourse. Even worse is that said discourse was inspired by one who is likely become the least liked American president in two generations.

sp1nks says...

...It's time for sleepy BJ Nottage to announce more saturation patrols

sp1nks says...

Did it look like a murder-suicide?????.... Were they reported missing?????....Were there any witnesses??????