Comment history

sp1nks says...

I'm surprised the censors have yet to slap the "Commenting has been disabled for this item" label on this. Tribune, don't you know you need to protect us from free speech?

sp1nks says...

Oh boy, someone is preparing to lose a cabinet post. #cantwait

sp1nks says...

All I can say is... "don't fix it, demand a new one!"

sp1nks says...

I mostly agree, C2B. The problem I have is the belief that experts and consultants must always from the U.S.

On US consultants flown in to assess dump fire

Posted 13 March 2017, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

This is very sad and tragic. It seems to me that every time the PLP prematurely announce a 'lull' in murders, it influences a spate of them. Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is to not awaken a violent beast by taunting it. In other words, know when to shut up.

sp1nks says...

I'm sure sleepy B.J. Nottage will soon come out with a new chart... 'murders down 800% since last week'. He'll go quiet once the thugs wake up and realize that they haven't been diligent in their murderous reign. B.J. will unleash even more 'mini vans of terror' (aka 'police presence')... wash, rinse, repeat. <br> <br>
Enough of 'leadership' only capable of short-sighted 'solutions'.

On Teamwork credited for lull in murders

Posted 10 March 2017, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

It is very troubling. How can we trust these people with our economy, judiciary, and education system when they can't figure out how to manage a dump?

On Providence boss in landfill talks

Posted 8 March 2017, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Yes, lots of yapping from Leslie. One of the first things he said was that people who like to hang 'round the dump' started the fire:…

<br><br>The man is a joke.

On ‘This is the worst it has ever been’

Posted 8 March 2017, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Where was this? When was this? Was the horse struck, or did the horse collapse? What was the horse doing? Whose horse is it?... your picture, though emotionally charged, loses impact without context.

sp1nks says...

Haha. Honestman, I'm just saying that after years go by, people have a different way of framing things that occurred. I was just a little boy during the '92 elections - I remember parades in the street and people chanting, "L.O. (Pindling) got to go!". My mother thought he was a disgrace; a puppet of drug traffickers, deeply flawed, and very corrupt. Fast forward to today, and those sins are mostly forgiven. Ping is in our wallets, has an airport named for him, and his wife is the Governor General (… (go a few paragraphs down for the corruption part))

I suspect this will be the same review of Christie... a lover of Junkanoo, devoted leader that did his best, blah, blah, blah. Knowing the way we do things, we might invent a $500 bill for him.