Comment history

sp1nks says...

Better yet, if you wanted to be an FNM so bad, you shouldn't have threatened to leave. The good Dr. made good on his threat then immediately tried to back track. Rollins should go res' he sef for a few good months.

sp1nks says...

I'm surprised (impressed, frankly) that commenting is open for this item. It seems that readers are not typically allowed to weigh-in on any story that might prompt a strong response. Great job, Tribune.

I hope that this is the beginning of a new policy in which the voices of the people are not suppressed. I also hope that the censors aren't compelled to stifle a respectful voice that might seem marginally critical of past practices.

sp1nks says...

crime is down 100% from 3 minutes ago!!! <br><br>

Dr. Nottage should be embarrassed to suggest that crime is down from such a small measurement. This only demonstrates desperation in framing the crime discussion. Did he include the two murders that occurred only hours earlier? The current crime levels bring little comfort to citizens. Ultimately, that should be the measure of progress.<br><br>
Nottage and Christie; apathetic, out of touch, out of ideas

On Nottage: Crime down by 29%

Posted 22 June 2016, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

The lack of respect for Bahamian law enforcement officials now extends to poachers illegally entering our waters. Very sad.

The next time, the multi-million dollar vessel shouldn't have merely returned fire, but obliterated the poaching vessel. The Bahamian Defence Force should be empowered to demonstrate that theft of our resources comes at a heavy price.

sp1nks says...

Mr. Mitchell: give it up, and let it go. You appear increasingly childish and ill-equipped to be minister. Stop bringing more embarrassment to our country.

sp1nks says...

"Fees" not "fee's." (You're basically saying, "fee is")

On Bridge toll rise delayed

Posted 29 February 2016, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

I agree. I'm glad they let them fellas go but it's a shame that it took so long. I know tensions are high and patience is short, but Bahamians are better than locking people up without even charging them.

sp1nks says...

Sounds like you're offering to provide the people of South Andros a 2 Billion dollar loan.

I agree with some of your thoughts, but the moment the government (plp, fnm, dna, ubp, Democrat, or Republican) announces a 2 billion dollar investment for the southern part of one island, everyone would be up-in-arms. Grand Bahamians already feel neglected and abandoned.

Let these investors spend their money. When they finish, tell them to leave. I know we can't do that, but still.

On Frustration at delay to $2bn Andros project

Posted 18 February 2016, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

The DEU wasn't responsible for his security while being transferred to prison. It was a courageous effort; someone facing an eternity in prison might go to great lengths to maintain a semblance of freedom. Give credit where it is due.

On UPDATED: Recaptured killer jailed for 41 years

Posted 18 February 2016, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Tell Branville to take his jerry curl and go sit down.