Comment history

spencerid says...

These days is so easy to spend money. You <a href="…">make money online</a> all month and you spend them in a day. It's so ironic, right?!

On Business Outlook heads for Exuma

Posted 13 August 2013, 2:47 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

Many small businesses went bankrupt because of this law. Normally a law should help us to move further. I prefer to <a href="…">make money online</a> every day rather to start and run a small business that I know is going for failure.

spencerid says...

It will be something new if at this business conference the organizers will present IT ways of making the <a href="http://umschulung-reiseverkehrskauffrau…">businesses more sustainable</a>. I heard so little about the cloud technology and I would like to hear everything from a specialist.

On Business Outlook heads for Exuma

Posted 29 July 2013, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

I read too many <a href="…">myths about famous places</a> all around the world like Egypt's pyramids, Bermuda Triangles, Aria 51, Loch Ness monster and so on, but I never had the change to visit one. This year will be different because I already bought a plane ticket to Egypt. I am going to see the pyramids.

spencerid says...

I like their clothes, although these girls weren't dressed for this pink party theme. I believe that a pink <a href="">Jimmy Jazz Clothing</a> idea is better for this evening. Maybe next year! Meanwhile how was the party?

spencerid says...

Another "push" or as I like to call it "tool" for your business to boost process are the <a href="…">invoice templates free</a> forms. You can find them online and download them for your personal use.

On 'Real push' to boost business processes

Posted 26 July 2013, 6:09 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

I support their project, the Univeristy and its students will only have to gain from it. The cultural exchange experience will improve in no time and on the other hand the University will have good publicity and new funds. As a student I choose the <a href="…">Atlanta Georgia</a> to go to a local university to study for a semester. My teachers expect good results from me and I can not wait to see how I will handle everything.

On Educators boost tourism industry

Posted 25 July 2013, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

I love to watch movies because they make me laugh, cry, teach some good things, something bad, they give me an adrenaline rush! I especially love their <a href="…">humor</a>. To conclude it's an escape into another world for a short period of time, very good for my mind.

spencerid says...

This Bahamian contractor should publish his story to the <a href=""></a> because the business world should know about this opportunity of making fast money. The alternative construction method to build $6 million worth of homes in the past two years, reducing client costs by 30 per cent is indeed “the way of the future”.

spencerid says...

I am sorry for him and for his family. I try to avoid this kind of behavior because I want my children to live in a safe neighborhood. The <a href="…">Vitalia</a> community is perfect for my family because since I've moved here there was any offense.

On Shot dead outside his own home

Posted 21 July 2013, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal