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spencerid says...

When I will go next month to <a href="">ONRAD</a> center to do a radiology I will talk with the medical staff to do a breast cancer fundraising event. I believe that with some financial help these women can have better lives and some of them can get cured.

On Breast cancer and the mouth

Posted 19 July 2013, 7:44 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

Good for them, a charity action is always needed and besides this they will have a wonderful experience, both personal and professional. Last year the <a href="">Noblesville sleep apnea dentist</a> did a similar action in several spread apart villages, now it is the time for these doctors.

On Dental work away from The Bahamas

Posted 29 May 2013, 5:51 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

They have the right to strike because of the budget cuts. Furthermore I believe that the strongly affected by these changes will be smart students that have good <a href="…">grades</a>. Their scholarships will be reduced, which is unfair, because they worked and learned so hard to have these scholarships. We will see what is the result of this strike.

spencerid says...

Teaching yourself can be hard sometimes because you don't have anyone to guide you and to see your improvements or faults. Personally for me is better to go to school, to learn and to receive grades from my teachers. If a teacher doesn't agree with my point of view he/she can straighten me in the right direction. I will have some <a href="…">grades to improve</a>, but in the end everything will be OK.

On Teaching yourself is the real world

Posted 12 February 2013, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

Just say no to drugs!!! All the reasons that a person use to justify his/her addiction are stupid, like to feel grown up or to rebel against their parents, to do better in school or deal with stress, or to be cool or to be accepted by his/her friends. You can use other kinds of pills, that are legal, to shape your body, to feel good about yourself, to lift your spirits. I <a href="…">purchase steroids online</a> for these reasons, you can do the same.

On Drugs case delayed again

Posted 11 February 2013, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

I think that the recruitment program for young student athletes is the next step for a bright career in sport or in other related fields, it's more than a simple class of gymnastics. Joining and finishing this program means a great deal for the student's <a href="…">professional development</a>. Also it's an asset for his resume and his future career.

spencerid says...

Let me tell you that a few years ago I participated in a conference about the correlation between food and health. I was so astonished to hear that the food can cause cancer that I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew that some food isn't healthy, but to cause cancer is a huge difference. I got so scared that every year I do a <a href="">teleradiology</a> scan to my entire body. I believe that is safer in this way, to prevent than to treat.

On Cancer alert for doctor in controversy

Posted 11 February 2013, 5:10 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

You are right! Many businessmen make these kind of mistakes. Although they don't realize a business concept has a great impact on customers. Every business needs a solid business and marketing plan before it launches, which includes this part too. I saw many <a href="…">Small Business Web Design</a> agencies that lost profit because they didn't have a good business plan. Think twice when you do something.

On Christie: Not all web shops will be licensed

Posted 8 February 2013, 6:36 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

I am a person who likes to share with other people. I often participate in charity events and donate money or things for their cause, including blood. Now I am involved in a "<a href="">car donation</a>" program, I tried to persuade people to donate their car. It's wonderful that we still have something to believe in. This makes us feel good about ourselves.

On Why can't I give blood?

Posted 18 January 2013, 7 a.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On St Peter's Patronal Festival

Posted 18 January 2013, 6:41 a.m.