Comment history

stoner says...

If Bahamians have the drive,they have the knowledge and can progress to any level of Govt or any business and this i am sure having worked among them in Nassau. God Bless and enjoy your new position and move forward with enthusiasm.

stoner says...

I knew Tiger Finlayson personally for a number of years and dined with him a few times.He showed me how to eat a red snapper with the head on and that you take out the eyes first and eat them.He owned Airport Catering at the time and was very successful in business.He was a gentleman.Too bad the sons/son took over.

stoner says...

Yes, spear fishing is not for the inexperienced diver wether it is in shadow water of 60ft deep.One has to be very careful and always have a companion in case of assistance.Driving is not for the in-experienced.

On Ex-British politician dies diving in Exumas

Posted 26 January 2021, 4:08 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

With 110 new cases reported,this is very serious in deed.In Canada and specially in the City of Toronto with a population of 6million, they only had less than that reported yesterday.110 for the Bahamas, this seems like the covid-19 is out of control and increasing fast.With the test ben done and the number of not been tested, the number of deaths will rise substantially over the next couple of months.

stoner says...

The question we have is,How many people in the Bahamas have been tested and is it only the ones that get sick with the Covid-19 is reported.

On EDITORIAL: US cheek to issue travel warning

Posted 8 August 2020, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

The rules are rules and everyone should abide by the law even the tourist who came to the Bahamas to visit.
Try do this in Boston and one would see what the law would do.Arrest them ad a big fine.

stoner says...

When I lived in that house in Blair Estates, we enjoyed our stay very much and the Grandfather came from Marsh Harbour to see the property one a year.I took care of his property while living there and had his mango tree grow more fruit than ever.The son who was killed in that armed roberty must have been called after my wife.We live there in 1973-76 and my wife's name was Andre'.It must have where they got their name for their son.My wife was called after Brother Andre' of Montreal who was canonized as a Saint.May God have mercy on your son Mrs Carthwright.

On I can forgive my son’s killer

Posted 17 June 2020, 6 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

The total murders of the year is 39 and not 27.

On Man dies, woman injured after shooting

Posted 28 May 2020, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Things will improve once the New Hydro system comes on stream.Just hold tight.Things don't happen overnight in the Bahamas.We all know that having lived there.Just have patience.I don't think the United States would like to have the Country as a state at the moment.It would cost too must money to invest and maintain the existing infrastructure.The roads/hydro/sewage/crime/prisons etc.

stoner says...

It is good to see such a get together to try and forget the hardships that was pressed upon them which was no fault of their own but nature at its worst.Someday not only will this horrific day be all but forgotten and people will live normal lives but they will celebrate Christmas again and enjoy the fruits of their land.May God have mercy on them who all went through this serious event caused by something other than themselves.

On Abaco resort to host Christmas party

Posted 19 December 2019, 2:33 a.m. Suggest removal