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stoner says...

They get due process my ass.They are treated more like or less like an animal would be.They are human beings and may not look like other Bahamians but they are your ancestors who initially came from Africa via the slave trade.Go back to Haiti and they will starve.Just take a ,long hard look at these people who were living in March Harbour and the Abacos Islands.I saw pictures that were taken just after the hurricane.They were treated less than an animal.I will send a copy to the Human Right Office of the United Nations.This will prove a point.Why do you think most or all the white people left your country when you became independent.I was there. It was a mad exit and took their capital with them.You had to eat crow for awhile because you thought the Govt was going to feed you. BULL.The crime went very high.Look at the criminal activity now/90 plus murders a year for a small population.I can see why the USA will not remove their warning to travellers to your beautiful Islands.

On UN comments 'deeply troubling'

Posted 29 November 2019, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Personally speaking, the Bahamians and the Turks and Caicos Islanders treat the Haitian population like animals and I have seen it with my own eyes having lived there and witnessed it first hand.They come to their home late at night pull everyone out of bed,women,children and men and burn their shanty down with no respect and I mean NO respect for humanity.Don't give me that shit about treating Haitians in a humane way.It is not the case.I wish the hell I could go to the UN officials and have some of these police force put behind bars.T & C is the worst.God almighty,please have officials from the UN check out the way the locals treat the Haitians.Just like animals and even worst.You not want a dog to be treated like this.

On UN comments 'deeply troubling'

Posted 28 November 2019, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Re:Accusations againt Mr.Nynard

If they had to arrest men in the Bahamas for having sex with women under the age of sixteen, you would have to build a few more jails to house them.It could represent 90 percent of the male population.

stoner says...

I just read that a homeless man in Nassau got a six months in jail for touching a woman's breast without her consent. This seems to be a major sentence for such a small crime considering that a man gets suspended or no jail time for raping a minor.I seen it happen.Apparently the homeless man and the woman both knew each other.What goes here?Is the law fair??

stoner says...

My brother has five degrees in engineering including Electric /Mechanical/ Steam and he would not take a job to clean up the situation BEC is facing.They need new equipment and more lines and qualified employees to run the system.

stoner says...

We lived in Nassau/New Providence in the early to mid seventies and there were problems with power outage.It was very often that we had to use our own generator.Business closed down for hours and no one knew when the power would come up.That is over forty years ago and still BEC is having shortages of power.The population has doubled since then and this has created a major drain on the power source with no major upgrades to the power grids.I know from experience that over the hill, they were stealing power like no tomorrow with little or no control.Now they are paying for it.Upgrade annually and keep the lines/equipment and additional source of power in place and there will be no shortage or outage.Good Luck on fixing the problem.There were more lines crossing roads in houses and coming out ,it looked a spiders web.Stealing power of course.

stoner says...

It looks like is was not a suicide but strangulation by someone who had access to the room.There is some reason why the Police is tight lipped about the entire affair.This is very common in the Caribbean.They are always not at fault and no one did it.

stoner says...

Paradise Island has the most beautiful beaches in the world and I should know since I spent a lot of time on them.Cable Beach is also among the best in the world of Beaches.Very Clean and well kept.The Country should be proud.

On [img/photos/2019/07/25/mession2jpg.jpg]

Posted 26 July 2019, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I lived in the Bahamas during and after Independence and after the elections,the locals thought the Govt now owed them a living.The majority of British dependents who had business,and born in the Bahamas,closed everything down and left with all their assets due to the locals thinking that this is now our country.Mad migration of business owners left.Unemployment soared and people were hungry,crime was out of control.I lived there through all this. Don't let this happen again.It seems like it is based today's news.Foreign workers who have work permits are allowed to work and live in the Country.You people have to done it down and work it out.Please don't do public saying "go back where you came from"!This is not good for the Bahamas.Crime is already high enough and almost out of control.You have to be careful what is said.It will cause more problems.Professional people have to be careful what they say in public.

stoner says...

These two young men are dead and they deserve a decent service and departure to the hereafter.Lets not criticize the poor dead young men.God have mercy on their sole.Whoever they were and what they did on this planet of ours was not serving of their demise.Rest in peace young men.