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stoner says...

This is a very normal occurrence in Italy as well as all over Europe.With all the immigrants in that Country,I am not surprise that they were not murdered.Two young men just enjoying themselves with a cell phone,watches and money were closely watched.It will all come out in the end.

On Italian two: ’Deaths accidental’

Posted 25 June 2019, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I say they were murdered by some individuals from a slavic country.Personal belongings stolen,killed and dumped in the river.

On Italian two: ’Deaths accidental’

Posted 24 June 2019, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Something smells here and it does not look good for the Italians.
Both drowned in that river,I don't think so.People don't swim in that river period.
There is more to this than what the police are saying.Stayed tuned.

On Autopsies reveal friends drowned

Posted 12 June 2019, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Spare the rod and spoil the child.This has been said for years and wether it is done at school or at home,it does effect the attitude of the child and he will become a better person in the end.

stoner says...

The light skin man taken from the house could have been a Konky Joe as a white Bahamian is called in Nassau.

On UPDATED: Three men shot dead by police

Posted 17 May 2019, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I had Brachytherapy for prostate cancer five years ago and have no side effects.They planted the seeds within a hour and I was out of Hospital the same day.My PSA reading went down from 0ver 10 to less than one.That was five years ago and is cure of Prostate cancer.It is a very simple procedure and I recommended to anyone who has prostate Cancer.No removal surgery.This would result in many many side effects.

On Be aware of your Prostate

Posted 27 April 2019, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Spare the Rod and spoil the child.This sayings goes back a long way.Kids have to be shown respect and it is not going come from the parents.Nip it in the butt quickly and they will not do it again.However, there are other ways to show respect and have discipline in the classroom, like writing long essays ad stay behind in class and do chores like cleaning up the school.

stoner says...

I don't why the Court and the People in the Bahamas so hard on this man.He brought money and prestige to this small Island and Lyford Cay especially many years ago and lived in peace for so long.The Court and the Attorneys are having a field day with this wealthy man who has brought millions and prestige to this land that Mr.Taylor devloped.It was a vacant piece of land with a beach until he arrived.The Courts and the people and the Press should leave him alone.He may have increased his property and removed some beach/sand but then look what he gave back to this once British Colony that no one else wanted.It was a time when after the British left during Independence when no one else wanted it.Crime was out of control and the locals thought that the Govt owed them living.The British left and Bay street was a goats town that no one else wanted.I was there and saw the crime and locals stealing for their next meal.Please leave this man alone.At his age in his life ,he deserves peace and tranquility.

On Nygard’s stuck up a creek . . .

Posted 4 April 2019, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I remember calling him up at the Radio station and asking him why are they reporting that the temperature in Nassau was 79 degrees and never higher than 82.Outside my door my temperature was 103 in the shade.This was in July or Aug 1974-1976.He finally ask me was I a tourist or a residence.I told him I live here and from Canada and on a work permit.OK he said.We only report the low temperature because the tourist would not come if we reported the normal temperature of 102 plus.I guess it is called good broadcasting for the local Govt. What a hute!

stoner says...

I personally think the house that Mr.Cartwright lived in was the one we as a family lived in.I also think that the man who died by the name of Andre Cartwright was called after my wife Andre.
I rented that house from Mr.Cartwright who lived in the out islands at the time we rented.We had a big Mango tree in the back that I placed sea weed around it and it produced many many Mangos.I think that the tree was later replaced and a inground pool installed.

On I can forgive my son’s killer

Posted 26 March 2019, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal