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stoner says...

Beware of the big Red Flag waving at you.They will eventually take over your country if you are not careful.The Chinese Ambassador have no right to speak out against the invitation for the Prime Minister been invited to the USA to visit the President.He may have something to worry about.

stoner says...

Be ware of China with these large investments.They want something back voluntary or they will take it.Have you ever seen a coloured man or woman in China? No there are no black or coloured people in the Republic of China because the Policy is that No coloured man is allowed in China that will stay for any length of time and No chinese individual is to have any relationship with a person of colour.These are the rules that are forced in the laws of China and now Hong Hong.During the Olympics and other international sports in China, this was clearly pointed out by the officials of the Chinese Govt prior to the games.

stoner says...

You can't stop progress.It will bring much needed money/revenue to the Bahamian Economy
and balance the budget within ten years.In addition, it will employee Bahamians and create a landbase jobs like other nations around the world who are producing offshore oil and gas,

stoner says...

The rules of the sea are rules for everyone and must be obeyed.All passengers are notified before leaving the time in port and departure time.If you don't pay attention,you suffer the lost of your trip/money/expenses and whatever and the most important your pride.Pay attention the next time.Fly to the next port or go fly home. I see it all the time.The Captain gives sufficent time to get back to the trip and allows waiting time.

On VIDEO: All aboard? Well, not quite . . .

Posted 1 March 2019, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Happy Birthday Mr. Tibbs.He was a gentleman in every respect and represented the Country of the Bahamas in a true way that no one else has.Hope to see you again soon.Trust his Family house is still there where he once lived as a child.

On To Sir Sidney . . .

Posted 22 February 2019, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

This little piggy went to the market and then some. How did someone figure out it was sow and not a boar?

On And this little piggy ... bit a model’s behind

Posted 13 February 2019, 11:40 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

The fire has been put out and there is no danger for the Freeport terminal. Freeport has the best loading and unloading facilities for such a large shipping container ship.Weather conditions in the north is not favourable this time of the year.

On Burning container ship heads to Freeport

Posted 25 January 2019, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

It is a shame to see such stealing going on in the different govt departments.
There has to be better controls and more auditing going on regularly and not just once a month.People who steal, know how to steal but they must have an accomplice to do it.The audit controls are too relaxed and employees who work together and know each other personally seemed to trust too much.

On Auditors uncover $450k school fraud

Posted 15 January 2019, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Personally, he got everything that was coming to him and more.He was just trowing things around and trying to kill or injure the officers.People with Sickle cell condition don't act like that. He committed a crime prior to that and was arrested.Personally, I would like to have him as my medical advisor or even near me at any time.The officers did a super job to subdue him and getting him under control.

On Family settles over US custody death

Posted 9 January 2019, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

There are a lot of good Bahamians like everywhere else on this planet of ours.Again, there are a lot of bad apples/mangoes in Nassau Town.Unfortunately,they are not good workers and maybe because of their training/education over the years by the British when it was a Colony.
They are not well educated and not good workers.However, they sure as hell no khow to steal and then some.I have living proof.