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stoner says...

I worked there in the mid seventies,Nassau that is and called for an ambulance to come to help.It was around 2:25pm when a passenger from a Cruise ship had a epileptic seizure in our office and needed medical attention.I left Nassau two years later and that ambulance never did show up.I assume, they got lost or could not find a driver to drive.I gave them specific directions at the time.Good luck if you ever get injured in that Country.

stoner says...

Bahamas has some real good professional people in sports.They are dedicated once they are aask to perform and take special pride in what they do.Unfortunately, they don't always have the opporunity.Richardson will do well with the Toronto Blue Jays organization.

stoner says...

This statement I agree with.By friendly and kind to Dogs and you will be kind and friendly to people.People who are not kind to animals, are usually not friendly to anyone and get angry very quickly and has a violent temper.

stoner says...

Dogs don't shoot people, people and guns shoot people.Need a passport to visit Canada, No of course not but they don't lie either and carry guns.

stoner says...

Travellers should be fully aware that when a flight is cancelled due to bad weather or when a weather warning is issued, the report/decision is for the benefit of the airline crew and its passengers.I hear too much complaining when a flight is delayed due to weather.Get over it and wait.The life of the passengers and crew are at stake and dangerous to fly.I have seen too many accidents when planes takeoff and never make their final destination.

stoner says...

The tourists that visit Nassau and other islands including the out islands are not rich tourists.
The majority of passengers on a cruise ship are normal everyday working individuals and save
to go on a cruise.They don't spend money in the casino and on Bay Street and if they do, it is very minimum.I saw the majority of the passengers buy liquor which is cheap but not much cheaper then in the USA, Canada yes.If the average passenger spends $50-$100 per visit,consider that a very fortunate expenditure for the economy.

stoner says...

I lived in the Bahamas long enough to know that most of drivers who drive, drive drunk and then some.They usually have a bottle of beer in a paper bag between their legs when thy are driving.I have never seen any driver get tested for drunk driving. I don't think the Police have such a contraction in their vehicle and if they did they stop drunk drivers and the roads would be empty.

stoner says...

What Court case and what was the witness suppose to report on and who???

stoner says...

It is good to see someone from Harbour Island play so well and come so far in women's Basketball.We all wish her well on her recovery.

On Lashann Higgs gets ready for rehab

Posted 29 November 2018, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

What is happening to OLD Nassau Town? Stabbing a policeman and shooting and killing the Law inforcement officers.The town is gone to the Dogs?? Who let the dogs out??
I don't think the dogs are four legged creatures.Drugs and more drugs are the cause.Unemployment is part of it but not all of it.

On Police officer in hospital after stabbing

Posted 4 November 2018, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal