Comment history

stoner says...

Hang all three of them.They deserve to die.Hang them and hang them high like Clint Eastman
said.They are nothing but punks and three useless bunch of %$#@!.

On US sailor's murderers lose fight to go free

Posted 22 October 2018, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

If Mr.Wilson has no title,he has no title and must get off the land.If he started developing,then it is too bad that he has invested in a property that he has no title.
It seems to me that the original owner is still the owner and must have the title.Mr.Wilson must come up with the original title or forfeit an get off the property and bite the bullet.

stoner says...

The parole system is crucial for young men and women to enter society and be supervised
by well trained individuals called Parole officers in order to avoid future crime.This is crucial
in order to assist in getting these young men and women back to work and away from a life of crime.
I was completely alarmed that there was no Parole system in the Bahamas.This is why crime continued and repeat offender are very common.They have no where to turn for help and back to prison they go.Thank God now this has been corrected.

stoner says...

The young Bahamians have the idea that they can rape a tourist and get away with it. They think with their Prick instead of their Head.I know because I have lived there .They don't take
No for an answer. Once they understand that rape is rape and sex without consent is a crime and they will go to jail.The white women who visit Nassau go there to visit and have fun and not to be raped by some Black spook who thinks he can get away with it like he can with local women.Too much Conch and too much freedom.

On Man accused of sex attack on tourist

Posted 4 September 2018, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I don't why there is such a fuss over Sr Roland Symonette who was such an honourable man
and deserves credit for what he did for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. I worked in Nassau during the seventies and when Sir Milo Butler was the Government and on one occasion he got up in the House during a regular setting and said and I quote"I will not be happy in this Country of ours until I have a white maid working for me as a housekeeper and char lady. That is a fact.If that's not prejudice, nothing is in my opinion.

On Why the row over Sir Ronald?

Posted 26 July 2018, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Where are they getting these Ak-47 rifles and hand guns.Stop the GUN RUN and you will kill the Crime or reduce the killing and live in some peace.

stoner says...

If the driver stayed in his Truck/flatbed, there wold be no accident.I assume the truck rolled
after the driver left the vehicle unattended..

On Trucks may be banned from future parades

Posted 6 June 2018, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Castration is the only to teach these animals.Get him and interview for what? A twelve year old girl is ruined for life. It is happening much too often in your fair town of Nassau and the out Islands.It is a disgrace to the entire world.Bahamas, a modern, independent country must do more to stop this criminality.

stoner says...

I lived in Blair Estate and it was a very peaceful place to live back a few years ago.What happened. We did however, have night protrols which were by the local citizens.I wonder is that the same house that I lived in?Hang him and hang him high.Bring back the death penalty.

On I can forgive my son’s killer

Posted 19 April 2018, 2:45 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I lived in Blair Estate and it was a very peaceful place to live back a few years ago.What happened. We did however, have night protrols which were by the local citizens.I wonder is that the same house that I lived in?

On I can forgive my son’s killer

Posted 19 April 2018, 2:43 a.m. Suggest removal