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stoner says...

A body is a dead body.Don't you get the ^%$#@(&%% message.Someone died and in more likelihood than not was murdered.A dead body is someone's son,daughter,father or mother or a relative of someone.

On US warning over islands’ crime rate

Posted 1 August 2017, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

One murder is too many regardless of who they are locals or tourists. Crime is a crime and murder is a murder.Don't you get the message.

On US warning over islands’ crime rate

Posted 1 August 2017, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

USA has posted that it is not safe to go over the Hill in Nassau. This was the same in 1974
-1976 so you can only imagine what it is like to day, some fourtly- four years later. I lived there during this time and it was a cess' pool then with no running water and tarred paper shacks.
Tourists were warned as well as people living and working on permits were told the same.
Everyone in nassau had a dog and not an dog, but a German Shepherd or a dog trained to
protect you and they lived out doors.Nassau is a very good City otherwise and a few criminals
cause all the problems.Too many guns and no control over drugs. They have an attitude kill
or be killed and relative or not.The majority of the people in Nassau are somewhat related in any event.

On US warning over islands’ crime rate

Posted 1 August 2017, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I lived in Nassau in the 70's and also in 2009 and it is a major difference in crime. Two murderers a year in 1973-76 and now close to 80 a year and growing. In 1973 a murderer was hanged at For Hill prison and this capital punishment must come back.Crime is out control for such a small population. I say hang them and hang them high like it was back in the 70',otherwise crime will increase and tourist will not come. It is getting bad in Providenciales,T & C and it seems like they are all elated or from from the same stock.

stoner says...

If they sold Boiled fish and johnny cake or Conch fritters then that is a different story.
Go for it since the tourist would love it.

stoner says...

It is a living so what? It would be better for the police or security guards to monitor
the crime elsewhere in Nassau where people are shot and where drugs are sold and
people die everyday.If it is on private property then it is a different story.Give them a license
and get over it.

stoner says...

Where in hell are they are they going to Go?No country is going to take
them Not the USA or Canada and especially NOT Britain.The T & C is even worst and crime is increasing like Nassau.You made your own bed so go and Sleep in it you dirty DOGS.

On Man shot dead in his car in Augusta Street

Posted 23 April 2017, 1:46 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

Like I have said many times on this post, you are NOT going to reduce CRIME in this City of
NASSAU unless you bring in the law that all criminals who are charged with murder are
hung by the neck until dead at fox hill prison.Please do it soon or your Country will suffer
big time if not already on tourists visiting or other relative business in your beautiful country.
These are criminals who are related and know what they are doing.The tourists are not coming to this Island unless the situation improves. Drugs, crime and criminals got to go.hang them and hang them high at fox hill prison. time is running out!
The Police and Politicians are all related to the criminals and want to do nothing.Most of the crime and murderers are well known just like in Turks and Caicos and especial in Providenciales where most of the hard core criminals go free with a slap on their hand.
Good luck to your Country if this continues and you will eat nothing but crow if not already
because the new resort and casino on Cable Beach is NOT going to do it.This new election
coming up has to address this crime situation and do it with sincerely otherwise your Country is lost.big back the hang man now.

and they all come from the same inbred families

On Man shot dead in his car in Augusta Street

Posted 23 April 2017, 1:40 a.m. Suggest removal

stoner says...

I remember flying in from Staniel Cay in a small single engine plane with just the three of
us. The air traffic comtroller was a brother of the Man flying this single engine plane.
He got his brother on the frequency and ask permission to land ahead of three big jumbo jets coming in from Europe, Germany and Heathrow airports. He made the larger planes circle
for over thirty minutes burning buel while he bought in his brother.I thought, man is this man have pull. Costing these airliners thousands of dollars in fuel. The other captains on the planes did not know what was happening since he put his brother on a different frequency.
By oh By that is Pull in my mine. I did not complain due to an early arrival after fishing all day
in the hot sun and cooking the fish and eating raw Conch on the Man's Island. Personally
I like that kind of connections.

stoner says...

My friend, it is against any constitution in the civilized world and a against what the Bahamians Institution stands for as a country to hold passports from any visitor or anyone one on a working permit. To do this to a visitor or someone who has to come and has been hired by a Company is the worst I have ever heard. A third world country would not have done this unless the person is a criminal. What is happening to this beautiful friendly independant country who broke away from the Commonwealth years ago. You are going back to the slave trade days.

On Bosses withheld Chinese passports

Posted 16 March 2017, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal